A Framework for Electrophysiology
This is the complete list of members for DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel, including all inherited members.
addBemData(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sBemSetName, const MNELIB::MNEBem &bem) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addConnectivityData(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMeasurementSetName, const QList< CONNECTIVITYLIB::Network > &networkData) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addConnectivityData(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMeasurementSetName, const CONNECTIVITYLIB::Network &networkData) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addCpuSensorData(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMeasurementSetName, const Eigen::MatrixXd &matSensorData, const MNELIB::MNEBemSurface &tBemSurface, const FIFFLIB::FiffInfo &fiffInfo, const QString &sDataType, const double dCancelDist, const QString &sInterpolationFunction) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | protected |
addDigitizerData(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMeasurementSetName, const FIFFLIB::FiffDigPointSet &digitizer) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addDipoleFitData(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sSet, const INVERSELIB::ECDSet &ecdSet) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addEegSensorInfo(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sSensorSetName, const QList< FIFFLIB::FiffChInfo > &lChInfo, const QStringList &bads=QStringList()) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addForwardSolution(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMeasurementSetName, const MNELIB::MNEForwardSolution &forwardSolution) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addGpuSensorData(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMeasurementSetName, const Eigen::MatrixXd &matSensorData, const MNELIB::MNEBemSurface &tBemSurface, const FIFFLIB::FiffInfo &fiffInfo, const QString &sDataType, const double dCancelDist, const QString &sInterpolationFunction) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | protected |
addMegSensorInfo(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sSensorSetName, const QList< FIFFLIB::FiffChInfo > &lChInfo, const MNELIB::MNEBem &sensor=MNELIB::MNEBem(), const QStringList &bads=QStringList()) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addSensorData(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMeasurementSetName, const Eigen::MatrixXd &matSensorData, const MNELIB::MNEBemSurface &tBemSurface, const FIFFLIB::FiffInfo &fiffInfo, const QString &sDataType) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addSourceData(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMeasurementSetName, const MNELIB::MNESourceEstimate &tSourceEstimate, const MNELIB::MNEForwardSolution &tForwardSolution, const FSLIB::SurfaceSet &tSurfSet, const FSLIB::AnnotationSet &tAnnotSet) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addSourceSpace(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMeasurementSetName, const MNELIB::MNESourceSpace &sourceSpace) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addSubject(const QString &sSubject) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | protected |
addSurface(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sSet, const FSLIB::Surface &surface, const FSLIB::Annotation &annotation=FSLIB::Annotation()) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
addSurfaceSet(const QString &sSubject, const QString &sMriSetName, const FSLIB::SurfaceSet &surfaceSet, const FSLIB::AnnotationSet &annotationSet=FSLIB::AnnotationSet()) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const (defined in DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
ConstSPtr typedef | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
data(const QModelIndex &index, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
Data3DTreeModel(QObject *parent=0) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | explicit |
flags(const QModelIndex &index) const (defined in DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
getRootEntity() | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const (defined in DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel) | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | |
initMetatypes() | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | protected |
m_pModelEntity | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | protected |
m_pRootItem | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | protected |
SPtr typedef | DISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel |