A Framework for Electrophysiology
▼ src | |
▼ libraries | |
► communication | |
► rtClient | |
rtclient.cpp | Definition of the RtClient Class |
rtclient.h | Declaration of the RtClient Class |
rtcmdclient.cpp | Definition of the RtCmdClient Class |
rtcmdclient.h | Declaration of the RtCmdClient Class |
rtdataclient.cpp | Definition of the RtDataClient Class |
rtdataclient.h | Declaration of the RtDataClient Class |
► rtCommand | |
command.cpp | |
command.h | Declaration of the Command Class |
commandmanager.cpp | |
commandmanager.h | |
commandparser.cpp | Declaration of the CommandParser Class |
commandparser.h | Declaration of the CommandParser Class |
rawcommand.cpp | Definition of the RawCommand Class |
rawcommand.h | Declaration of the RawCommand Class |
communication_global.cpp | Communication library export/import macros |
communication_global.h | Realtime library export/import macros |
► connectivity | |
► metrics | |
abstractmetric.cpp | AbstractMetric class definition |
abstractmetric.h | AbstractMetric class declaration |
coherence.cpp | Coherence class declaration |
coherence.h | Coherence class declaration |
coherency.cpp | Coherency class declaration |
coherency.h | Coherency class declaration |
correlation.cpp | Correlation class definition |
correlation.h | Correlation class declaration |
crosscorrelation.cpp | CrossCorrelation class definition |
crosscorrelation.h | CrossCorrelation class declaration |
debiasedsquaredweightedphaselagindex.cpp | DebiasedSquaredWeightedPhaseLagIndex class definition |
debiasedsquaredweightedphaselagindex.h | DebiasedSquaredWeightedPhaseLagIndex class declaration |
imagcoherence.cpp | Imaginary coherence class declaration |
imagcoherence.h | Imaginary coherence class declaration |
phaselagindex.cpp | PhaseLagIndex class definition |
phaselagindex.h | PhaseLagIndex class declaration |
phaselockingvalue.cpp | PhaseLockingValue class definition |
phaselockingvalue.h | PhaseLockingValue class declaration |
unbiasedsquaredphaselagindex.cpp | UnbiasedSquaredPhaseLagIndex class definition |
unbiasedsquaredphaselagindex.h | UnbiasedSquaredPhaseLagIndex class declaration |
weightedphaselagindex.cpp | WeightedPhaseLagIndex class definition |
weightedphaselagindex.h | WeightedPhaseLagIndex class declaration |
► network | |
network.cpp | Network class definition |
network.h | Network class declaration |
networkedge.cpp | NetworkEdge class definition |
networkedge.h | NetworkEdge class declaration |
networknode.cpp | NetworkNode class definition |
networknode.h | NetworkNode class declaration |
connectivity.cpp | Connectivity class definition |
connectivity.h | Connectivity class declaration |
connectivity_global.cpp | Connectivity library export/import macros |
connectivity_global.h | Connectivity library export/import macros |
connectivitysettings.cpp | ConnectivitySettings class definition |
connectivitysettings.h | ConnectivitySettings class declaration |
► disp | |
► plots | |
► helpers | |
colormap.cpp | Definition of the ColorMap class |
colormap.h | ColorMap class declaration |
bar.cpp | Bar class definition |
bar.h | Bar class declaration |
graph.cpp | Definition of the Graph class |
graph.h | Graph class declaration |
imagesc.cpp | Definition of the ImageSc class |
imagesc.h | ImageSc class declaration |
lineplot.cpp | LinePlot class implementation |
lineplot.h | LinePlot class declaration |
plot.cpp | Definition of the Plot class |
plot.h | Plot class declaration |
spline.cpp | Definition of spline class |
spline.h | Spline class declaration |
tfplot.cpp | TFplot class definition |
tfplot.h | TFplot class declaration |
► viewers | |
► helpers | |
averagescene.cpp | Definition of the AverageScene class |
averagescene.h | Contains the declaration of the AverageScene class |
averagesceneitem.cpp | Definition of the AverageSceneItem class |
averagesceneitem.h | Contains the declaration of the AverageSceneItem class |
bidsviewmodel.cpp | Definition of the BidsViewModel Class |
bidsviewmodel.h | Contains declaration of BidsViewModel Container class |
channelinfomodel.cpp | The definition for ChannelInfoModel |
channelinfomodel.h | The declaration for ChannelInfoModel. |
draggableframelesswidget.cpp | Definition of the DraggableFramelessWidget Class |
draggableframelesswidget.h | Declaration of the DraggableFramelessWidget Class |
evokedsetmodel.cpp | Definition of the EvokedSetModel Class |
evokedsetmodel.h | Declaration of the EvokedSetModel Class |
filterplotscene.cpp | Definition of the FilterPlotScene class |
filterplotscene.h | Contains the declaration of the FilterPlotScene class |
frequencyspectrumdelegate.cpp | Definition of the FrequencySpectrumDelegate Class |
frequencyspectrumdelegate.h | Declaration of the FrequencySpectrumDelegate Class |
frequencyspectrummodel.cpp | Definition of the FrequencySpectrumModel Class |
frequencyspectrummodel.h | Declaration of the FrequencySpectrumModel Class |
layoutscene.cpp | Definition of the LayoutScene class |
layoutscene.h | Contains the declaration of the LayoutScene class |
mneoperator.cpp | Definition of the MNEOperator Class |
mneoperator.h | Declaration of the MNEOperator Class |
rtfiffrawviewdelegate.cpp | Definition of the RtFiffRawViewDelegate Class |
rtfiffrawviewdelegate.h | Declaration of the RtFiffRawViewDelegate Class |
rtfiffrawviewmodel.cpp | Definition of the RtFiffRawViewModel Class |
rtfiffrawviewmodel.h | Declaration of the RtFiffRawViewModel Class |
scalecontrol.cpp | Definition of the ScaleControl Class |
scalecontrol.h | Declaration of the ScaleControl Class |
selectionscene.cpp | Definition of the SelectionScene class |
selectionscene.h | Contains the declaration of the SelectionScene class |
selectionsceneitem.cpp | Definition of the SelectionSceneItem class |
selectionsceneitem.h | Contains the declaration of the SelectionSceneItem class |
abstractview.cpp | Definition of the AbstractView Class |
abstractview.h | Declaration of the AbstractView Class |
applytoview.cpp | Definition of the ApplyToView Class |
applytoview.h | Declaration of the ApplyToView Class |
artifactsettingsview.cpp | Definition of the ArtifactSettingsView class |
artifactsettingsview.h | Declaration of the ArtifactSettingsView class |
averagelayoutview.cpp | Definition of the AverageLayoutView Class |
averagelayoutview.h | Declaration of the AverageLayoutView Class |
averageselectionview.cpp | Definition of the AverageSelectionView Class |
averageselectionview.h | Declaration of the AverageSelectionView Class |
averagingsettingsview.cpp | Definition of the AveragingSettingsView class |
averagingsettingsview.h | Contains the declaration of the AveragingSettingsView class |
bidsview.cpp | Contains the declaration of the BidsView class |
bidsview.h | Contains the declaration of the BidsView class |
butterflyview.cpp | Definition of the ButterflyView class |
butterflyview.h | Declaration of the ButterflyView class |
channelselectionview.cpp | Definition of the ChannelSelectionView class |
channelselectionview.h | Contains the declaration of the ChannelSelectionView class |
compensatorview.cpp | Definition of the CompensatorView Class |
compensatorview.h | Declaration of the CompensatorView Class |
connectivitysettingsview.cpp | Definition of the ConnectivitySettingsView Class |
connectivitysettingsview.h | Declaration of the ConnectivitySettingsView Class |
control3dview.cpp | Definition of the Control3DView Class |
control3dview.h | Control3DView class declaration |
coregsettingsview.cpp | CoregSettingsView class definition |
coregsettingsview.h | CoregSettingsView class declaration |
covariancesettingsview.cpp | Definition of the CovarianceSettingsView class |
covariancesettingsview.h | Contains the declaration of the CovarianceSettingsView class |
dipolefitview.cpp | Definition of the DipoleFitView Class |
dipolefitview.h | Declaration of the DipoleFitView Class |
fiffrawviewsettings.cpp | Definition of the FiffRawViewSettings Class |
fiffrawviewsettings.h | Declaration of the FiffRawViewSettings Class |
filterdesignview.cpp | Definition of the FilterDesignView class |
filterdesignview.h | Contains the declaration of the FilterDesignView class |
filtersettingsview.cpp | Definition of the FilterSettingsView Class |
filtersettingsview.h | Declaration of the FilterSettingsView Class |
fwdsettingsview.cpp | FwdSettingsView class definition |
fwdsettingsview.h | FwdSettingsView class declaration |
hpisettingsview.cpp | HpiSettingsView class definition |
hpisettingsview.h | HpiSettingsView class declaration |
minimumnormsettingsview.cpp | Definition of the MinimumNormSettingsView Class |
minimumnormsettingsview.h | Declaration of the MinimumNormSettingsView Class |
modalityselectionview.cpp | Definition of the ModalitySelectionView Class |
modalityselectionview.h | Declaration of the ModalitySelectionView Class |
multiview.cpp | MultiView class definition |
multiview.h | MultiView class declaration |
multiviewwindow.cpp | MultiViewWindow class declaration |
multiviewwindow.h | MultiViewWindow class declaration |
progressview.cpp | Definition of the ProgressView class |
progressview.h | Declaration of the ProgressView Class |
projectorsview.cpp | Definition of the ProjectorsView Class |
projectorsview.h | Declaration of the ProjectorsView Class |
projectsettingsview.cpp | Definition of the ProjectSettingsView Class |
projectsettingsview.h | Declaration of the ProjectSettingsView Class |
quickcontrolview.cpp | Definition of the QuickControlView Class |
quickcontrolview.h | Declaration of the QuickControlView Class |
rtfiffrawview.cpp | Definition of the RtFiffRawView Class |
rtfiffrawview.h | Declaration of the RtFiffRawView Class |
scalingview.cpp | Definition of the ScalingView Class |
scalingview.h | Declaration of the ScalingView Class |
spectrumsettingsview.cpp | Definition of the SpectrumSettingsView Class |
spectrumsettingsview.h | Declaration of the SpectrumSettingsView Class |
spectrumview.cpp | Definition of the SpectrumView Class |
spectrumview.h | Declaration of the SpectrumView Class |
spharasettingsview.cpp | Definition of the SpharaSettingsView Class |
spharasettingsview.h | Declaration of the SpharaSettingsView Class |
tfsettingsview.cpp | Definition of the TfSettingsView Class |
tfsettingsview.h | Declaration of the TfSettingsView Class |
triggerdetectionview.cpp | Definition of the TriggerDetectionView Class |
triggerdetectionview.h | Declaration of the TriggerDetectionView Class |
disp_global.cpp | Disp library export/import macros |
disp_global.h | Disp library export/import macros |
► disp3D | |
► engine | |
► delegate | |
data3Dtreedelegate.cpp | Data3DTreeDelegate class definition |
data3Dtreedelegate.h | Data3DTreeDelegate class declaration |
► model | |
► 3dhelpers | |
custommesh.cpp | CustomMesh class definition |
custommesh.h | CustomMesh class declaration |
geometrymultiplier.cpp | GeometryMultiplier class definition |
geometrymultiplier.h | GeometryMultiplier class declaration |
renderable3Dentity.cpp | Renderable3DEntity class definition |
renderable3Dentity.h | Renderable3DEntity class declaration |
► items | |
► bem | |
bemsurfacetreeitem.cpp | BemSurfaceTreeItem class definition |
bemsurfacetreeitem.h | BemSurfaceTreeItem class declaration |
bemtreeitem.cpp | BemTreeItem class definition |
bemtreeitem.h | BemTreeItem class declaration |
► common | |
abstract3Dtreeitem.cpp | Abstract3DTreeItem class definition |
abstract3Dtreeitem.h | Abstract3DTreeItem class declaration |
abstractmeshtreeitem.cpp | AbstractMeshTreeItem class definition |
abstractmeshtreeitem.h | AbstractMeshTreeItem class declaration |
abstracttreeitem.cpp | AbstractTreeItem class definition |
abstracttreeitem.h | AbstractTreeItem class declaration |
gpuinterpolationitem.cpp | GpuInterpolationItem class definition |
gpuinterpolationitem.h | GpuInterpolationItem class declaration |
metatreeitem.cpp | MetaTreeItem class definition |
metatreeitem.h | MetaTreeItem class declaration |
types.h | Contains general application specific types |
► digitizer | |
digitizersettreeitem.cpp | DigitizerSetTreeItem class definition |
digitizersettreeitem.h | DigitizerSetTreeItem class declaration |
digitizertreeitem.cpp | DigitizerTreeItem class definition |
digitizertreeitem.h | DigitizerTreeItem class declaration |
► freesurfer | |
fsannotationtreeitem.cpp | FsAnnotationTreeItem class definition |
fsannotationtreeitem.h | FsAnnotationTreeItem class declaration |
fssurfacetreeitem.cpp | FsSurfaceTreeItem class definition |
fssurfacetreeitem.h | FsSurfaceTreeItem class declaration |
► hemisphere | |
hemispheretreeitem.cpp | HemisphereTreeItem class definition |
hemispheretreeitem.h | HemisphereTreeItem class declaration |
► measurement | |
measurementtreeitem.cpp | MeasurementTreeItem class definition |
measurementtreeitem.h | MeasurementTreeItem class declaration |
► mri | |
mritreeitem.cpp | MriTreeItem class definition |
mritreeitem.h | MriTreeItem class declaration |
► network | |
networktreeitem.cpp | NetworkTreeItem class definition |
networktreeitem.h | NetworkTreeItem class declaration |
► sensordata | |
sensordatatreeitem.cpp | SensorDataTreeItem class definition |
sensordatatreeitem.h | |
► sensorspace | |
sensorpositiontreeitem.cpp | SensorPositionTreeItem class definition |
sensorpositiontreeitem.h | SensorPositionTreeItem class declaration |
sensorsettreeitem.cpp | SensorSetTreeItem class definition |
sensorsettreeitem.h | SensorSetTreeItem class declaration |
sensorsurfacetreeitem.cpp | SensorSurfaceTreeItem class definition |
sensorsurfacetreeitem.h | SensorSurfaceTreeItem class declaration |
► sourcedata | |
ecddatatreeitem.cpp | EcdDataTreeItem class definition |
ecddatatreeitem.h | EcdDataTreeItem class declaration |
mnedatatreeitem.cpp | MneDataTreeItem class definition |
mnedatatreeitem.h | MneDataTreeItem class declaration |
► sourcespace | |
sourcespacetreeitem.cpp | SourceSpaceTreeItem class definition |
sourcespacetreeitem.h | SourceSpaceTreeItem class declaration |
► subject | |
subjecttreeitem.cpp | SubjectTreeItem class definition |
subjecttreeitem.h | SubjectTreeItem class declaration |
► materials | |
abstractphongalphamaterial.cpp | AbstractPhongAlphaMaterial class definition |
abstractphongalphamaterial.h | AbstractPhongAlphaMaterial class declaration |
geometrymultipliermaterial.cpp | GeometryMultiplierMaterial class definition |
geometrymultipliermaterial.h | GeometryMultiplierMaterial class declaration |
gpuinterpolationmaterial.cpp | GpuInterpolationMaterial class definition |
gpuinterpolationmaterial.h | GpuInterpolationMaterial class declaration |
networkmaterial.cpp | NetworkMaterial class definition |
networkmaterial.h | NetworkMaterial class declaration |
pervertexphongalphamaterial.cpp | PerVertexPhongAlphaMaterial class definition |
pervertexphongalphamaterial.h | PerVertexPhongAlphaMaterial class declaration |
pervertextessphongalphamaterial.cpp | PerVertexTessPhongAlphaMaterial class definition |
pervertextessphongalphamaterial.h | PerVertexTessPhongAlphaMaterial class declaration |
shownormalsmaterial.cpp | ShowNormalsMaterial class definition |
shownormalsmaterial.h | ShowNormalsMaterial class declaration |
► workers | |
► rtSensorData | |
rtsensordatacontroller.cpp | RtSensorDataController class definition |
rtsensordatacontroller.h | RtSensorDataController class declaration |
rtsensordataworker.cpp | RtSensorDataWorker class definition |
rtsensordataworker.h | RtSensorDataWorker class declaration |
rtsensorinterpolationmatworker.cpp | RtSensorInterpolationMatWorker class definition |
rtsensorinterpolationmatworker.h | RtSensorInterpolationMatWorker class declaration |
► rtSourceLoc | |
rtsourcedatacontroller.cpp | RtSourceDataController class definition |
rtsourcedatacontroller.h | RtSourceDataController class declaration |
rtsourcedataworker.cpp | RtSourceDataWorker class definition |
rtsourcedataworker.h | RtSourceDataWorker class declaration |
rtsourceinterpolationmatworker.cpp | RtSourceInterpolationMatWorker class definition |
rtsourceinterpolationmatworker.h | RtSourceInterpolationMatWorker class declaration |
data3Dtreemodel.cpp | Data3DTreeModel class definition |
data3Dtreemodel.h | Data3DTreeModel class declaration |
► view | |
customframegraph.cpp | CustomFrameGraph class definition |
customframegraph.h | CustomFrameGraph class declaration |
orbitalcameracontroller.cpp | OrbitalCameraController class definition |
orbitalcameracontroller.h | OrbitalCameraController class declaration |
view3D.cpp | View3D class definition |
view3D.h | View3D class declaration |
► helpers | |
► geometryinfo | |
geometryinfo.cpp | GeometryInfo class definition |
geometryinfo.h | GeometryInfo class declaration |
► interpolation | |
interpolation.cpp | Interpolation class definition |
interpolation.h | Interpolation class declaration |
► viewers | |
abstractview.cpp | AbstractView class definition |
abstractview.h | AbstractView class declaration |
ecdview.cpp | ECDView class definition |
ecdview.h | ECDView class declaration |
networkview.cpp | NetworkView class definition |
networkview.h | NetworkView class declaration |
sourceestimateview.cpp | SourceEstimateView class definition |
sourceestimateview.h | SourceEstimateView class declaration |
disp3D_global.cpp | Disp3D library export/import macros |
disp3D_global.h | Disp3D library export/import macros |
► events | |
event.cpp | Event definition |
event.h | Event declaration |
eventgroup.cpp | EventGroup definition |
eventgroup.h | EventGroup declaration |
eventmanager.cpp | |
eventmanager.h | EventManager declaration |
events_global.cpp | Events library export/import macros |
events_global.h | Event library export/import macros |
eventsharedmemmanager.cpp | |
eventsharedmemmanager.h | EventSharedMemManager definition |
► fiff | |
► c | |
fiff_coord_trans_old.cpp | Definition of the FiffCoordTransOld Class |
fiff_coord_trans_old.h | FiffCoordTransOld class declaration |
fiff_coord_trans_set.cpp | Definition of the FiffCoordTransSet Class |
fiff_coord_trans_set.h | FiffCoordTransSet class declaration |
fiff_digitizer_data.cpp | Definition of the FiffDigitizerData Class |
fiff_digitizer_data.h | FiffDigitizerData class declaration |
fiff_sparse_matrix.cpp | Definition of the FiffSparseMatrix Class |
fiff_sparse_matrix.h | FiffSparseMatrix class declaration |
fiff_types_mne-c.h | |
fiff.cpp | Definition of the FIFF Wrapper Class |
fiff.h | FIFF class declaration, which provides static wrapper functions to stay consistent with mne matlab toolbox - Note: avoid using the wrappers, prefer the wrapped methods! Its sufficient to include this header to have access to all Fiff classes |
fiff_ch_info.cpp | Definition of the FiffChInfo Class |
fiff_ch_info.h | FiffChInfo class declaration |
fiff_ch_pos.cpp | Definition of the FiffChPos Class |
fiff_ch_pos.h | FiffChPos class declaration |
fiff_constants.h | Fiff constants |
fiff_coord_trans.cpp | Definition of the FiffCoordTrans Class |
fiff_coord_trans.h | FiffCoordTrans class declaration |
fiff_cov.cpp | Definition of the FiffCov Class |
fiff_cov.h | FiffCov class declaration |
fiff_ctf_comp.cpp | Definition of the FiffCtfComp Class |
fiff_ctf_comp.h | FiffCtfComp class declaration |
fiff_dig_point.cpp | Definition of the FiffDigPoint Class |
fiff_dig_point.h | FiffDigPoint class declaration |
fiff_dig_point_set.cpp | Fiff_dig_point_set class definition |
fiff_dig_point_set.h | FiffDigPointSet class declaration |
fiff_dir_entry.cpp | Definition of the FiffDirEntry Class |
fiff_dir_entry.h | FiffDirEntry class declaration |
fiff_dir_node.cpp | Definition of the FiffDirNode Class |
fiff_dir_node.h | FiffDirNode class declaration, which provides fiff dir tree processing methods |
fiff_evoked.cpp | Definition of the FIFFEvoked Class |
fiff_evoked.h | FiffEvoked class declaration |
fiff_evoked_set.cpp | Definition of the FiffEvokedSet Class |
fiff_evoked_set.h | FiffEvokedSet class declaration |
fiff_explain.h | Fiff block and dir tag explainations |
fiff_file.h | Header file describing the numerical values used in fif files |
fiff_global.cpp | Fiff library export/import macros |
fiff_global.h | Fiff library export/import macros |
fiff_id.cpp | Definition of the FiffId Class |
fiff_id.h | FiffId class declaration |
fiff_info.cpp | Definition of the FiffInfo Class |
fiff_info.h | FiffInfo class declaration |
fiff_info_base.cpp | Definition of the FiffInfoBase Class |
fiff_info_base.h | FiffInfoBase class declaration |
fiff_io.cpp | Definition of a generic Fiff IO interface |
fiff_io.h | Definition of a generic Fiff IO interface |
fiff_named_matrix.cpp | Definition of the FiffNamedMatrix Class |
fiff_named_matrix.h | FiffNamedMatrix class declaration |
fiff_proj.cpp | Definition of the FiffProj Class |
fiff_proj.h | FiffProj class declaration |
fiff_raw_data.cpp | Definition of the FiffRawData Class |
fiff_raw_data.h | FiffRawData class declaration |
fiff_raw_dir.cpp | Definition of the FiffRawDir Class |
fiff_raw_dir.h | FiffRawDir class declaration |
fiff_stream.cpp | Definition of the FiffStream Class |
fiff_stream.h | FiffStream class declaration |
fiff_tag.cpp | Definition of the FiffTag Class |
fiff_tag.h | FiffTag class declaration, which provides fiff tag I/O and processing methods |
fiff_types.h | Definitions for describing the objects in a FIFF file |
fifffilesharer.cpp | FiffFileSharer class definition |
fifffilesharer.h | FiffFileSharer class declaration |
► fs | |
annotation.cpp | Definition of the Annotation class |
annotation.h | Annotation class declaration |
annotationset.cpp | AnnotationSet class implementation |
annotationset.h | AnnotationSet class declaration |
colortable.cpp | Definition of the Colortable Class |
colortable.h | Colortable class declaration |
fs_global.cpp | |
fs_global.h | Fs library export/import macros |
label.cpp | Definition of the Label class |
label.h | Label class declaration |
surface.cpp | Definition of the Surface class |
surface.h | Surface class declaration |
surfaceset.cpp | Definition of the SurfaceSet class |
surfaceset.h | SurfaceSet class declaration |
► fwd | |
► computeFwd | |
compute_fwd.cpp | |
compute_fwd.h | Compute Forward Setting class declaration |
compute_fwd_settings.cpp | |
compute_fwd_settings.h | Compute Forward Setting class declaration |
fwd_bem_model.cpp | Definition of the FwdBemModel Class |
fwd_bem_model.h | FwdBemModel class declaration |
fwd_bem_solution.cpp | Definition of the FwdBemSolution Class |
fwd_bem_solution.h | Forward BEM Solution (FwdBemSolution) class declaration |
fwd_coil.cpp | Definition of the FwdCoil Class |
fwd_coil.h | FwdCoil class declaration |
fwd_coil_set.cpp | Definition of the FwdCoilSet Class |
fwd_coil_set.h | FwdCoilSet class declaration |
fwd_comp_data.cpp | Definition of the FwdCompData Class |
fwd_comp_data.h | FwdCompData class declaration |
fwd_eeg_sphere_layer.cpp | Definition of the FwdEegSphereLayer Class |
fwd_eeg_sphere_layer.h | FwdEegSphereLayer class declaration |
fwd_eeg_sphere_model.cpp | Definition of the FwdEegSphereModel Class |
fwd_eeg_sphere_model.h | FwdEegSphereModel class declaration |
fwd_eeg_sphere_model_set.cpp | Definition of the FwdEegSphereModelSet Class |
fwd_eeg_sphere_model_set.h | FwdEegSphereModelSet class declaration |
fwd_global.cpp | Fwd library export/import macros |
fwd_global.h | Forward library export/import macros |
fwd_thread_arg.cpp | Definition of the Forward Thread Argument (FwdThreadArg) Class |
fwd_thread_arg.h | Fwd Thread Argument (FwdThreadArg) class declaration |
fwd_types.h | |
► inverse | |
► c | |
mne_inverse_operator.cpp | Definition of the MNE Patch Information (MnePatchInfo) Class |
mne_inverse_operator.h | MNE Inverse Operator (MneInverseOperator) class declaration |
mne_meas_data.cpp | Definition of the MNE Meas Data (MneMeasData) Class |
mne_meas_data.h | MNE Meas Data (MneMeasData) class declaration |
mne_meas_data_set.cpp | Definition of the MNE Meas Data Set (MneMeasDataSet) Class |
mne_meas_data_set.h | MNE Meas Data Set (MneMeasDataSet) class declaration |
► dipoleFit | |
analyze_types.h | |
dipole_fit.cpp | |
dipole_fit.h | Dipole Fit class declaration |
dipole_fit_data.cpp | |
dipole_fit_data.h | Dipole Fit Data class declaration |
dipole_fit_settings.cpp | |
dipole_fit_settings.h | Dipole Fit Setting class declaration |
dipole_forward.cpp | Definition of the DipoleForward Class |
dipole_forward.h | DipoleForward class declaration |
ecd.cpp | Definition of the Electric Current Dipole (ECD) Class |
ecd.h | Electric Current Dipole (ECD) class declaration |
ecd_set.cpp | Definition of the Electric Current Dipole Set (ECDSet) Class |
ecd_set.h | FiffDigPointSet class declaration |
guess_data.cpp | Definition of the GuessData Class |
guess_data.h | GuessData class declaration |
► hpiFit | |
hpidataupdater.cpp | HpiDataUpdater class definition |
hpidataupdater.h | HpiDataUpdater class declaration |
hpifit.cpp | HPIFit class defintion |
hpifit.h | HPIFit class declaration |
hpifitdata.cpp | HPIFitData class defintion |
hpifitdata.h | HPIFitData class declaration |
hpimodelparameters.cpp | HpiModelParameters class definition |
hpimodelparameters.h | HpiModelParameters class declaration |
sensorset.cpp | SensorSet class definition |
sensorset.h | SensorSet class declaration |
signalmodel.cpp | SignalModel class definition |
signalmodel.h | SignalModel class declaration |
► minimumNorm | |
minimumnorm.cpp | Definition of the MinimumNorm Class |
minimumnorm.h | Minimum norm class declaration |
► rapMusic | |
dipole.cpp | ToDo Documentation.. |
dipole.h | ToDo Documentation.. |
pwlrapmusic.cpp | Definition of the PwlRapMusic Algorithm Class |
pwlrapmusic.h | PwlRapMusic algorithm class declaration |
rapmusic.cpp | Definition of the RapMusic Algorithm Class |
rapmusic.h | RapMusic algorithm class declaration |
IInverseAlgorithm.h | Contains declaration of IIinverseAlgorithm interface class |
inverse_global.cpp | Inverse library export/import macros |
inverse_global.h | Inverse library export/import macros |
► mne | |
► c | |
filter_thread_arg.cpp | Definition of the MNE Derivation (MneDeriv) Class |
filter_thread_arg.h | Filter Thread Argument (FilterThreadArg) class declaration |
mne_cov_matrix.cpp | Definition of the MneCovMatrix Class |
mne_cov_matrix.h | MneCovMatrix class declaration |
mne_ctf_comp_data.cpp | Definition of the MneCTFCompData Class |
mne_ctf_comp_data.h | MneCTFCompData class declaration |
mne_ctf_comp_data_set.cpp | Definition of the MneCTFCompDataSet Class |
mne_ctf_comp_data_set.h | MneCTFCompDataSet class declaration |
mne_deriv.cpp | Definition of the MNE Derivation (MneDeriv) Class |
mne_deriv.h | MNE Derivation (MneDeriv) class declaration |
mne_deriv_set.cpp | Definition of the MNE Derivation Set (MneDerivSet) Class |
mne_deriv_set.h | MNE Derivation Set (MneDerivSet) class declaration |
mne_mgh_tag.cpp | Definition of the MneMghTag Class |
mne_mgh_tag.h | MneMghTag class declaration |
mne_mgh_tag_group.cpp | Definition of the MneMghTagGroup Class |
mne_mgh_tag_group.h | MneMghTagGroup class declaration |
mne_mne_data.cpp | Definition of the MNE Mne Data (MneMneData) Class |
mne_mne_data.h | MNE MNE Data (MneMneData) class declaration |
mne_morph_map.cpp | Definition of the MneMorphMap Class |
mne_morph_map.h | MneMorphMap class declaration |
mne_msh_color_scale_def.cpp | Definition of the MneMshColorScaleDef Class |
mne_msh_color_scale_def.h | MneMshColorScaleDef class declaration |
mne_msh_display_surface.cpp | Definition of the MneMshDisplaySurface Class |
mne_msh_display_surface.h | MneMshDisplaySurface class declaration |
mne_msh_display_surface_set.cpp | Definition of the MneMshDisplaySurfaceSet Class |
mne_msh_display_surface_set.h | MneMshDisplaySurfaceSet class declaration |
mne_msh_eyes.cpp | Definition of the MneMshEyes Class |
mne_msh_eyes.h | MneMshEyes class declaration |
mne_msh_light.cpp | Definition of the MneMshLight Class |
mne_msh_light.h | MneMshLight class declaration |
mne_msh_light_set.cpp | Definition of the MneMshLightSet Class |
mne_msh_light_set.h | MneMshLightSet class declaration |
mne_msh_picked.cpp | Definition of the MneMshPicked Class |
mne_msh_picked.h | MneMshPicked class declaration |
mne_named_matrix.cpp | Definition of the MNE Named Matrix (MneNamedMatrix) Class |
mne_named_matrix.h | MNE Named Matrix (MneNamedMatrix) class declaration |
mne_nearest.cpp | Definition of the MneNearest Class |
mne_nearest.h | MneNearest class declaration |
mne_patch_info.cpp | Definition of the MNE Patch Information (MnePatchInfo) Class |
mne_patch_info.h | MNE Patch Information (MnePatchInfo) class declaration |
mne_proj_data.cpp | Definition of the MneProjData Class |
mne_proj_data.h | MneProjData class declaration |
mne_proj_item.cpp | Definition of the MNEProjItem Class |
mne_proj_item.h | MNEProjItem class declaration |
mne_proj_op.cpp | Definition of the MNEProjOp Class |
mne_proj_op.h | MNEProjOp class declaration |
mne_raw_buf_def.cpp | Definition of the MneRawBufDef Class |
mne_raw_buf_def.h | MneRawBufDef class declaration |
mne_raw_data.cpp | Definition of the MneRawData Class |
mne_raw_data.h | MneRawData class declaration |
mne_raw_info.cpp | Definition of the MneRawInfo Class |
mne_raw_info.h | MneRawInfo class declaration |
mne_source_space_old.cpp | Definition of the MneSourceSpaceOld Class |
mne_source_space_old.h | MneSourceSpaceOld class declaration |
mne_sss_data.cpp | Definition of the MNE SSS Data (MneSssData) Class |
mne_sss_data.h | MNE SSS Data (MneSssData) class declaration |
mne_surface_old.cpp | Definition of the MneSurfaceOld Class |
mne_surface_old.h | MneSurfaceOld class declaration |
mne_surface_or_volume.cpp | Definition of the MNE Surface or Volume (MneSurfaceOrVolume) Class |
mne_surface_or_volume.h | MNE Surface or Volume (MneSurfaceOrVolume) class declaration |
mne_surface_patch.cpp | Definition of the MneSurfacePatch Class |
mne_surface_patch.h | MneSurfacePatch class declaration |
mne_triangle.cpp | Definition of the MneTriangle Class |
mne_triangle.h | MneTriangle class declaration |
mne_types.h | |
mne_types_mne-c.h | |
mne_vol_geom.cpp | Definition of the MneVolGeom Class |
mne_vol_geom.h | MneVolGeom class declaration |
mne.cpp | Definition of the MNE Wrapper Class |
mne.h | MNE class declaration, which provides static wrapper functions to stay consistent with mne matlab toolbox |
mne_bem.cpp | MNEBem class implementation |
mne_bem.h | MNEBem class declaration |
mne_bem_surface.cpp | MNEBemSurface class implementation |
mne_bem_surface.h | MNEBemSurface class declaration |
mne_cluster_info.cpp | MNEClusterInfo class implementation |
mne_cluster_info.h | MNEClusterInfo class declaration, which provides cluster information |
mne_corsourceestimate.cpp | Definition of the MNECorSourceEstimate Class |
mne_corsourceestimate.h | MNECorSourceEstimate class declaration |
mne_epoch_data.cpp | Definition of the MNEEpochData Class |
mne_epoch_data.h | MNEEpochData class declaration |
mne_epoch_data_list.cpp | Definition of the MNEEpochDataList Class |
mne_epoch_data_list.h | MNEEpochDataList class declaration |
mne_forwardsolution.cpp | MNEForwardSolution class implementation |
mne_forwardsolution.h | MNEForwardSolution class declaration, which provides the forward solution including the source space (MNESourceSpace) |
mne_global.cpp | Mne library export/import macros |
mne_global.h | Mne library export/import macros |
mne_hemisphere.cpp | MNEHemisphere class implementation |
mne_hemisphere.h | MNEHemisphere class declaration |
mne_inverse_operator.cpp | Definition of the MNEInverseOperator Class |
mne_inverse_operator.h | MNEInverseOperator class declaration |
mne_project_to_surface.cpp | MNEProjectToSurface class definition |
mne_project_to_surface.h | MNEProjectToSurface class declaration |
mne_sourceestimate.cpp | Definition of the SourceEstimate Class |
mne_sourceestimate.h | MNESourceEstimate class declaration |
mne_sourcespace.cpp | MNESourceSpace class implementation |
mne_sourcespace.h | MNESourceSpace class declaration |
mne_surface.cpp | MNESurface class implementation |
mne_surface.h | Contains the declaration of the MNESurface class |
► rtprocessing | |
► helpers | |
cosinefilter.cpp | Definition of the CosineFilter class |
cosinefilter.h | Declaration of the CosineFilter class |
filterio.cpp | Definition of the FilterIO class |
filterio.h | FilterIO class declaration |
filterkernel.cpp | Contains all FilterKernel |
filterkernel.h | The FilterKernel class represents a filter object that generates the FIR filter coefficients using Park's McClellan's filter design algorithm [1] and offers a overlap-add method [2] for frequency filtering of an input sequence. In this regard, the filter coefficients of a certain filter order are zero-padded to fill a length of an multiple integer of a power of 2 in order to efficiently compute a FFT. The length of the FFT is given by the next power of 2 of the length of the input sequence. In order to avoid circular-convolution, the input sequence is given by the FFT-length-NumFilterTaps |
parksmcclellan.cpp | |
parksmcclellan.h | |
averaging.cpp | Averaging defintions |
averaging.h | Averaging declarations |
detecttrigger.cpp | DetectTrigger definitions |
detecttrigger.h | DetectTrigger declarations |
filter.cpp | Filter definitions |
filter.h | Filter declarations |
icp.cpp | ICP class definition |
icp.h | ICP declarations |
rtaveraging.cpp | Definition of the RtAveraging and RtAveragingWorker classes |
rtaveraging.h | Declaration of the RtAveraging and RtAveragingWorker classes |
rtconnectivity.cpp | Definition of the RtConnectivity Class |
rtconnectivity.h | RtConnectivity class declaration |
rtcov.cpp | Definition of the RtCov Class |
rtcov.h | RtCov class declaration |
rthpis.cpp | Definition of the RtHpi Class |
rthpis.h | RtHpi class declaration |
rtinvop.cpp | Definition of the RtInvOp Class |
rtinvop.h | RtInvOp class declaration |
rtnoise.cpp | Definition of the RtNoise Class |
rtnoise.h | RtNoise class declaration |
rtprocessing_global.cpp | Rtprocessing library export/import macros |
rtprocessing_global.h | Realtime library export/import macros |
sphara.cpp | Definition of the Sphara class |
sphara.h | Declaration of the Sphara class |
► utils | |
► generics | |
applicationlogger.cpp | |
applicationlogger.h | Contains the declaration of the ApplicationLogger class |
circularbuffer.h | CircularBuffer class declaration |
commandpattern.h | Contains declarations of the command design pattern: ICommand interface |
observerpattern.cpp | Contains implementations of the observer design pattern: Subject class and IObserver interface |
observerpattern.h | Contains declarations of the observer design pattern: Subject class and IObserver interface |
buildinfo.h | Build information utils |
file.cpp | |
file.h | |
ioutils.cpp | Definition of the IOUtils class |
ioutils.h | IOUtils class declaration |
kmeans.cpp | Definition of the KMeans class |
kmeans.h | KMeans class declaration |
layoutloader.cpp | Definition of the LayoutLoader class |
layoutloader.h | LayoutLoader class declaration |
layoutmaker.cpp | Definition of the LayoutMaker class |
layoutmaker.h | LayoutLoader class declaration |
mnemath.cpp | Definition of the MNEMath Class |
mnemath.h | MNEMath class declaration |
mnetracer.cpp | Implements the mnetracer class |
mnetracer.h | Declaration of a MNETracer object. This class allows a user to easily measure executions times of a function or a block of code, and formats the output so that it is compatible with Chrome Tracer application |
selectionio.cpp | Definition of the SelectionIO class |
selectionio.h | SelectionIO class declaration |
simplex_algorithm.h | SimplexAlgorithm Template Implementation |
spectral.cpp | Declaration of Spectral class |
spectral.h | Declaration of Spectral class |
spectrogram.cpp | Definition of spectrogram class |
spectrogram.h | Declaration of spectrogram class |
sphere.cpp | Definition of the Sphere Class |
sphere.h | Sphere class declaration |
utils_global.cpp | Utils library export/import macros |
utils_global.h | Utils library export/import macros |
warp.cpp | Warp class definition |
warp.h | Warp class declaration |