MNE-CPP  0.1.9
A Framework for Electrophysiology
helpers Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for helpers:


file  averagescene.cpp [code]
 Definition of the AverageScene class.
file  averagescene.h [code]
 Contains the declaration of the AverageScene class.
file  averagesceneitem.cpp [code]
 Definition of the AverageSceneItem class.
file  averagesceneitem.h [code]
 Contains the declaration of the AverageSceneItem class.
file  bidsviewmodel.cpp [code]
 Definition of the BidsViewModel Class.
file  bidsviewmodel.h [code]
 Contains declaration of BidsViewModel Container class.
file  channelinfomodel.cpp [code]
 The definition for ChannelInfoModel.
file  channelinfomodel.h [code]
 The declaration for ChannelInfoModel..
file  draggableframelesswidget.cpp [code]
 Definition of the DraggableFramelessWidget Class.
file  draggableframelesswidget.h [code]
 Declaration of the DraggableFramelessWidget Class.
file  evokedsetmodel.cpp [code]
 Definition of the EvokedSetModel Class.
file  evokedsetmodel.h [code]
 Declaration of the EvokedSetModel Class.
file  filterplotscene.cpp [code]
 Definition of the FilterPlotScene class.
file  filterplotscene.h [code]
 Contains the declaration of the FilterPlotScene class.
file  frequencyspectrumdelegate.cpp [code]
 Definition of the FrequencySpectrumDelegate Class.
file  frequencyspectrumdelegate.h [code]
 Declaration of the FrequencySpectrumDelegate Class.
file  frequencyspectrummodel.cpp [code]
 Definition of the FrequencySpectrumModel Class.
file  frequencyspectrummodel.h [code]
 Declaration of the FrequencySpectrumModel Class.
file  layoutscene.cpp [code]
 Definition of the LayoutScene class.
file  layoutscene.h [code]
 Contains the declaration of the LayoutScene class.
file  mneoperator.cpp [code]
 Definition of the MNEOperator Class.
file  mneoperator.h [code]
 Declaration of the MNEOperator Class.
file  rtfiffrawviewdelegate.cpp [code]
 Definition of the RtFiffRawViewDelegate Class.
file  rtfiffrawviewdelegate.h [code]
 Declaration of the RtFiffRawViewDelegate Class.
file  rtfiffrawviewmodel.cpp [code]
 Definition of the RtFiffRawViewModel Class.
file  rtfiffrawviewmodel.h [code]
 Declaration of the RtFiffRawViewModel Class.
file  scalecontrol.cpp [code]
 Definition of the ScaleControl Class.
file  scalecontrol.h [code]
 Declaration of the ScaleControl Class.
file  selectionscene.cpp [code]
 Definition of the SelectionScene class.
file  selectionscene.h [code]
 Contains the declaration of the SelectionScene class.
file  selectionsceneitem.cpp [code]
 Definition of the SelectionSceneItem class.
file  selectionsceneitem.h [code]
 Contains the declaration of the SelectionSceneItem class.