MNE-CPP  0.1.9
A Framework for Electrophysiology
1 #ifndef _mne_types_h
2 #define _mne_types_h
3 /*
4  * Type definitions for the MNE library
5  *
6  * Copyright 2001 - 2009
7  *
8  * Matti Hamalainen
9  * Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
10  * Massachusetts General Hospital
11  * Charlestown, MA, USA
12  *
13  * $Id: mne_types.h 3477 2016-01-14 12:48:00Z msh $
14  *
15  * Revision 1.76 2009/03/14 12:37:30 msh
16  * Quite a bit of work for C++ compatibility
17  *
18  * Revision 1.75 2009/02/28 17:53:50 msh
19  * Added extra fields to mneWdata and mneStcData with future extensions in mind
20  *
21  * Revision 1.74 2009/02/18 02:45:40 msh
22  * Moved to the mneEventList structure, which contains comments per event
23  *
24  * Revision 1.73 2009/02/05 04:54:14 msh
25  * Added first_sample_val member to mneRawData
26  *
27  * Revision 1.72 2009/01/30 15:20:29 msh
28  * Added code to mask the contents of the digital trigger channel if appropriate
29  *
30  * Revision 1.71 2009/01/19 13:08:05 msh
31  * Initialize the MRI structure more completely
32  *
33  * Revision 1.70 2008/11/16 20:19:59 msh
34  * Added Talairach transforms
35  * Fixed bugs in MRI reading
36  *
37  * Revision 1.69 2008/09/30 11:47:01 msh
38  * Added option to load unprocessed MaxShield data
39  *
40  * Revision 1.68 2008/08/15 12:56:49 msh
41  * Added option for discrete source spaces
42  *
43  * Revision 1.67 2008/06/16 16:07:09 msh
44  * Added compatibility for the old event file format
45  *
46  * Revision 1.66 2008/05/28 10:14:05 msh
47  * Added possibility for a sparse covariance matrix
48  *
49  * Revision 1.65 2008/05/26 10:50:10 msh
50  * Changes to accommodate the preweighted lead field basis
51  *
52  * Revision 1.64 2008/03/17 18:29:31 msh
53  * Possibility to define the trigger channel with an environment variable
54  * Added mne_compare_filters routine
55  *
56  * Revision 1.63 2008/03/15 12:54:46 msh
57  * Handle FIFF_MEAS_DATE appropriately
58  * Copy MNE_PROCESSING_HISTORY to output files as needed
59  * Possibility to add new epochs to raw data epochs previously loaded
60  *
61  * Revision 1.62 2008/03/09 01:19:35 msh
62  * Added mne_raw_formatted_time routine
63  * Include first sample to number of omitted samples
64  * Read the FIFF_MEAS_DATE tag
65  *
66  * Revision 1.61 2007/04/06 19:07:58 msh
67  * Implemented a new event structure in raw data which will eventually
68  * allow for multiple event lists and comments for the events
69  *
70  * Revision 1.60 2007/03/01 04:32:19 msh
71  * Reworked the MRI data structure to be more flexible
72  *
73  * Revision 1.59 2007/02/27 17:40:14 msh
74  * Fixed empty row or column handling in mne_create_sparse_rcs and mne_create_sparse_ccs
75  * Fixed memory leak in mne_inverse_io.c
76  * Added new fields to volume source spaces
77  *
78  * Revision 1.58 2007/02/26 05:01:29 msh
79  * Added the voxel-RAS coordinate transformation to mneMRIdata
80  * Added routine to set voxels at given RAS coordinate location to given value
81  *
82  * Revision 1.57 2007/02/25 14:29:44 msh
83  * Added routines to read mgh and mgz MRI data files.
84  *
85  * Revision 1.56 2007/02/23 14:24:47 msh
86  * Made more provisions for volume source spaces.
87  *
88  * Revision 1.55 2007/02/20 20:40:40 msh
89  * Match channel names without spaces as well for compatibility with
90  * the new Neuromag channel naming scheme.
91  *
92  * Revision 1.54 2007/01/29 21:02:44 msh
93  * Added the additional prior weightings to the inverse operator structure
94  *
95  * Revision 1.53 2007/01/09 12:43:08 msh
96  * Added total area member to the mneSourceSpace structure
97  * Compute the total area in mne_add_triangle_data
98  *
99  * Revision 1.52 2006/12/08 16:36:36 msh
100  * Added source file name to layout.
101  *
102  * Revision 1.51 2006/12/05 21:27:55 msh
103  * Added the SSS stuff to raw data and the covariance matrix
104  *
105  * Revision 1.50 2006/11/16 22:46:13 msh
106  * Changed sample number in mneTrigEvent to be a signed integer.
107  *
108  * Revision 1.49 2006/10/16 13:39:17 msh
109  * Changed field names in mneMeasDataSet structure
110  *
111  */
112 #include <fiff/c/fiff_types.h>
114 #if defined(__cplusplus)
115 extern "C" {
116 #endif
118 /*
119  * Complex data
120  */
121 typedef struct {
122  float re;
123  float im;
126 typedef struct {
127  double re;
128  double im;
131 typedef void (*mneUserFreeFunc)(void *); /* General purpose */
132 typedef fiffSparseMatrix mneSparseMatrix;
133 typedef fiffSparseMatrixRec mneSparseMatrixRec;
135 typedef struct {
136  int vert; /* Which vertex does this apply to */
137  int *memb_vert; /* Which vertices constitute the patch? */
138  int nmemb; /* How many? */
139  float area; /* Area of the patch */
140  float ave_nn[3]; /* Average normal */
141  float dev_nn; /* Average deviation of the patch normals from the average normal */
144 typedef struct { /* This is used in the patch definitions */
145  int vert; /* Number of this vertex (to enable sorting) */
146  int nearest; /* Nearest 'inuse' vertex */
147  float dist; /* Distance to the nearest 'inuse' vertex */
148  mnePatchInfo patch; /* The patch information record for the patch this vertex belongs to */
151 typedef struct {
152  int *vert; /* Triangle vertices (pointers to the itris member of the associated mneSurface) */
153  float *r1,*r2,*r3; /* Triangle vertex locations (pointers to the rr member of the associated mneSurface) */
154  float r12[3],r13[3]; /* Vectors along the sides */
155  float nn[3]; /* Normal vector */
156  float area; /* Area */
157  float cent[3]; /* Centroid */
158  float ex[3],ey[3]; /* Other unit vectors (used by BEM calculations) */
159 } *mneTriangle,mneTriangleRec; /* Triangle data */
161 typedef struct {
162  int valid; /* Is the information below valid */
163  int width,height,depth; /* Size of the stack */
164  float xsize,ysize,zsize; /* Increments in the three voxel directions */
165  float x_ras[3],y_ras[3],z_ras[3]; /* Directions of the coordinate axes */
166  float c_ras[3]; /* Center of the RAS coordinates */
167  char *filename; /* Name of the MRI data file */
168 } *mneVolGeom,mneVolGeomRec; /* MRI data volume geometry information like FreeSurfer keeps it */
170 /*
171  * Values of the type field in the mneVolumeOrSurface structure
172  */
174 #define MNE_SOURCE_SPACE_SURFACE 1 /* Surface-based source space */
175 #define MNE_SOURCE_SPACE_VOLUME 2 /* 3D volume source space */
176 #define MNE_SOURCE_SPACE_DISCRETE 3 /* Discrete points */
178 typedef struct { /* This defines a source space or a surface */
179  int type; /* Is this a volume or a surface */
180  char *subject; /* Name (id) of the subject */
181  int id; /* Surface id */
182  int coord_frame; /* Which coordinate system are the data in now */
183  /*
184  * These relate to the FreeSurfer way
185  */
186  mneVolGeom vol_geom; /* MRI volume geometry information as FreeSurfer likes it */
187  void *mgh_tags; /* Tags listed in the file */
188  /*
189  * These are meaningful for both surfaces and volumes
190  */
191  int np; /* Number of vertices */
192  float **rr; /* The vertex locations */
193  float **nn; /* Surface normals at these points */
194  float cm[3]; /* Center of mass */
196  int *inuse; /* Is this point in use in the source space */
197  int *vertno; /* Vertex numbers of the used vertices in the full source space */
198  int nuse; /* Number of points in use */
200  int **neighbor_vert; /* Vertices neighboring each vertex */
201  int *nneighbor_vert; /* Number of vertices neighboring each vertex */
202  float **vert_dist; /* Distances between neigboring vertices */
203  /*
204  * These are for surfaces only
205  */
206  int ntri; /* Number of triangles */
207  mneTriangle tris; /* The triangulation information */
208  int **itris; /* The vertex numbers */
209  float tot_area; /* Total area of the surface, computed from the triangles */
211  int nuse_tri; /* The triangulation corresponding to the vertices in use */
212  mneTriangle use_tris; /* The triangulation information for the vertices in use */
213  int **use_itris; /* The vertex numbers for the 'use' triangulation */
215  int **neighbor_tri; /* Neighboring triangles for each vertex
216  * Note: number of entries varies for vertex to vertex */
217  int *nneighbor_tri; /* Number of neighboring triangles for each vertex */
219  mneNearest nearest; /* Nearest inuse vertex info (number of these is the same as the number vertices) */
220  mnePatchInfo *patches; /* Patch information (number of these is the same as the number of points in use) */
221  int npatch; /* How many (should be same as nuse) */
223  mneSparseMatrix dist; /* Distances between the (used) vertices (along the surface). */
224  float dist_limit; /* Distances above this (in volume) have not been calculated.
225  * If negative, only used vertices have been considered */
227  float *curv; /* The FreeSurfer curvature values */
228  float *val; /* Some other values associated with the vertices */
229  /*
230  * These are for volumes only
231  */
232  fiffCoordTrans voxel_surf_RAS_t;/* Transform from voxel coordinate to the surface RAS (MRI) coordinates */
233  int vol_dims[3]; /* Dimensions of the volume grid (width x height x depth)
234  * NOTE: This will be present only if the source space is a complete
235  * rectangular grid with unused vertices included */
236  float voxel_size[3]; /* Derived from the above */
237  mneSparseMatrix interpolator; /* Matrix to interpolate into an MRI volume */
238  char *MRI_volume; /* The name of the file the above interpolator is based on */
239  fiffCoordTrans MRI_voxel_surf_RAS_t;
240  fiffCoordTrans MRI_surf_RAS_RAS_t; /* Transform from surface RAS to RAS coordinates in the associated MRI volume */
241  int MRI_vol_dims[3]; /* Dimensions of the MRI volume (width x height x depth) */
242  /*
243  * Possibility to add user-defined data
244  */
245  void *user_data; /* Anything else we want */
246  mneUserFreeFunc user_data_free; /* Function to set the above free */
248 /*
249  * These are the aliases
250  */
261 //typedef struct { /* FreeSurfer patches */
262 // mneSurface s; /* Patch represented as a surface */
263 // int *vert; /* Vertex numbers in the complete surface*/
264 // int *surf_vert; /* Which vertex corresponds to each complete surface vertex here? */
265 // int np_surf; /* How many points on the complete surface? */
266 // int *tri; /* Which triangles in the complete surface correspond to our triangles? */
267 // int *surf_tri; /* Which of our triangles corresponds to each triangle on the complete surface? */
268 // int ntri_surf; /* How many triangles on the complete surface */
269 // int *border; /* Is this vertex on the border? */
270 // int flat; /* Is this a flat patch? */
271 // void *user_data; /* Anything else we want */
272 // mneUserFreeFunc user_data_free; /* Function to set the above free */
273 //} *mneSurfacePatch,mneSurfacePatchRec;
275 typedef struct { /* Matrix specification with a channel list */
276  int nrow; /* Number of rows */
277  int ncol; /* Number of columns */
278  char **rowlist; /* Name list for the rows (may be NULL) */
279  char **collist; /* Name list for the columns (may be NULL) */
280  float **data; /* The data itself (dense) */
283 typedef struct { /* Matrix specification with a channel list */
284  int nrow; /* Number of rows (same as in data) */
285  int ncol; /* Number of columns (same as in data) */
286  char **rowlist; /* Name list for the rows (may be NULL) */
287  char **collist; /* Name list for the columns (may be NULL) */
288  mneSparseMatrix data; /* The data itself (sparse) */
291 typedef struct { /* Vector specification with a channel list */
292  int nvec; /* Number of elements */
293  char **names; /* Name list for the elements */
294  float *data; /* The data itself */
297 typedef struct { /* One linear projection item */
298  mneNamedMatrix vecs; /* The original projection vectors */
299  int nvec; /* Number of vectors = vecs->nrow */
300  char *desc; /* Projection item description */
301  int kind; /* Projection item kind */
302  int active; /* Is this item active now? */
303  int active_file; /* Was this item active when loaded from file? */
304  int has_meg; /* Does it have MEG channels? */
305  int has_eeg; /* Does it have EEG channels? */
308 typedef struct { /* Collection of projection items and the projector itself */
309  mneProjItem *items; /* The projection items */
310  int nitems; /* Number of items */
311  char **names; /* Names of the channels in the final projector */
312  int nch; /* Number of channels in the final projector */
313  int nvec; /* Number of vectors in the final projector */
314  float **proj_data; /* The orthogonalized projection vectors picked and orthogonalized from the original data */
317 typedef struct {
318  int job; /* Value of FIFF_SSS_JOB tag */
319  int coord_frame; /* Coordinate frame */
320  float origin[3]; /* The expansion origin */
321  int nchan; /* How many channels */
322  int out_order; /* Order of the outside expansion */
323  int in_order; /* Order of the inside expansion */
324  int *comp_info; /* Which components are included */
325  int ncomp; /* How many entries in the above */
326  int in_nuse; /* How many components included in the inside expansion */
327  int out_nuse; /* How many components included in the outside expansion */
328 } *mneSssData,mneSssDataRec; /* Essential information about SSS */
330 /*
331  * The class field in mneCovMatrix can have these values
332  */
333 #define MNE_COV_CH_UNKNOWN -1 /* No idea */
334 #define MNE_COV_CH_MEG_MAG 0 /* Axial gradiometer or magnetometer [T] */
335 #define MNE_COV_CH_MEG_GRAD 1 /* Planar gradiometer [T/m] */
336 #define MNE_COV_CH_EEG 2 /* EEG [V] */
338 //typedef struct { /* Covariance matrix storage */
339 // int kind; /* Sensor or source covariance */
340 // int ncov; /* Dimension */
341 // int nfree; /* Number of degrees of freedom */
342 // int nproj; /* Number of dimensions projected out */
343 // int nzero; /* Number of zero or small eigenvalues */
344 // char **names; /* Names of the entries (optional) */
345 // double *cov; /* Covariance matrix in packed representation (lower triangle) */
346 // double *cov_diag; /* Diagonal covariance matrix */
347 // mneSparseMatrix cov_sparse; /* A sparse covariance matrix
348 // * (Note: data are floats in this which is an inconsistency) */
349 // double *lambda; /* Eigenvalues of cov */
350 // double *inv_lambda; /* Inverses of the square roots of the eigenvalues of cov */
351 // float **eigen; /* Eigenvectors of cov */
352 // double *chol; /* Cholesky decomposition */
353 // mneProjOp proj; /* The projection which was active when this matrix was computed */
354 // mneSssData sss; /* The SSS data present in the associated raw data file */
355 // int *ch_class; /* This will allow grouping of channels for regularization (MEG [T/m], MEG [T], EEG [V] */
356 // char **bads; /* Which channels were designated bad when this noise covariance matrix was computed? */
357 // int nbad; /* How many of them */
358 //} *mneCovMatrix,mneCovMatrixRec;
360 //typedef struct { /* A forward solution */
361 // char *fwdname; /* Name of the file this was loaded from */
362 // fiffId meas_id; /* The assosiated measurement ID */
363 // mneSourceSpace *spaces; /* The source spaces */
364 // int nspace; /* Number of source spaces */
365 // fiffCoordTrans mri_head_t; /* MRI <-> head coordinate transformation */
366 // fiffCoordTrans meg_head_t; /* MEG <-> head coordinate transformation */
367 // int methods; /* EEG, MEG or EEG+MEG (see mne_fiff.h) */
368 // int coord_frame; /* The coordinate frame employed in the forward calculations */
369 // int source_ori; /* Fixed or free source orientations */
370 // float **rr_source; /* The active source points */
371 // float **nn_source; /* The source orientations
372 // * (These are equal to the cortex normals
373 // * in the fixed orientation case) */
374 // int nsource; /* Number of source (recalculated for convenience) */
375 // fiffChInfo chs; /* The channel list */
376 // int nch; /* Number of channels */
377 // mneNamedMatrix fwd; /* The forward solution (may be whitened) */
378 // mneNamedMatrix fwd_proc; /* This is an alternate matrix for a processed forward matrix (linear projection
379 // * and whitening) As a rule, this field is not used but rater the operations are
380 // * applied to the field fwd itself */
381 // float *patch_areas; /* Contains the patch areas if the CSD transformation has been applied */
382 // int fwd_whitened; /* Has the noise covariance been applied to the field fwd? */
383 // mneCovMatrix noise_cov; /* The noise covariance matrix employed in whitening */
384 // mneProjOp proj; /* Associated projection operator */
385 //} *mneForwardSolution,mneForwardSolutionRec;
387 //typedef struct { /* An inverse operator */
388 // fiffId meas_id; /* The assosiated measurement ID */
389 // mneSourceSpace *spaces; /* The source spaces */
390 // int nspace; /* Number of source spaces */
391 // fiffCoordTrans meg_head_t; /* MEG device <-> head coordinate transformation */
392 // fiffCoordTrans mri_head_t; /* MRI device <-> head coordinate transformation */
393 // int methods; /* EEG, MEG or EEG+MEG (see mne_fiff.h) */
394 // int nchan; /* Number of measurement channels */
395 // int nsource; /* Number of source points */
396 // int fixed_ori; /* Fixed source orientations? */
397 // float **rr_source; /* The active source points */
398 // float **nn_source; /* The source orientations
399 // * (These are equal to the cortex normals
400 // * in the fixed orientation case) */
401 // int coord_frame; /* Which coordinates are the locations and orientations given in? */
402 // mneCovMatrix sensor_cov; /* Sensor covariance matrix */
403 // int nave; /* Number of averaged responses (affects scaling of the noise covariance) */
404 // int current_unit; /* This can be FIFF_UNIT_AM, FIFF_UNIT_AM_M2, FIFF_UNIT_AM_M3 */
405 // mneCovMatrix source_cov; /* Source covariance matrix */
406 // mneCovMatrix orient_prior; /* Orientation prior applied */
407 // mneCovMatrix depth_prior; /* Depth-weighting prior applied */
408 // mneCovMatrix fMRI_prior; /* fMRI prior applied */
409 // float *sing; /* Singular values of the inverse operator */
410 // mneNamedMatrix eigen_leads; /* The eigen leadfields */
411 // int eigen_leads_weighted; /* Have the above been already weighted with R^0.5? */
412 // mneNamedMatrix eigen_fields; /* Associated field patterns */
413 // float trace_ratio; /* tr(GRG^T)/tr(C) */
414 // mneProjOp proj; /* The associated projection operator */
415 //} *mneInverseOperator,mneInverseOperatorRec;
417 typedef struct { /* For storing the wdata */
418  int id; /* Surface id these data belong to */
419  int kind; /* What kind of data */
420  float lat; /* Latency */
421  int nvert; /* Number of vertices */
422  int *vertno; /* Vertex numbers */
423  float *vals; /* The values */
426 typedef struct {
427  int id; /* Surface id these data belong to */
428  int kind; /* What kind of data */
429  float tmin; /* First time */
430  float tstep; /* Step between times */
431  int ntime; /* Number of times */
432  int nvert; /* Number of vertices */
433  int *vertno; /* The vertex numbers */
434  float **data; /* The data, time by time */
437 //typedef struct { /* Information about raw data in fiff file */
438 // char *filename; /* The name of the file this comes from */
439 // fiffId id; /* Measurement id from the file */
440 // int nchan; /* Number of channels */
441 // fiffChInfo chInfo; /* Channel info data */
442 // int coord_frame; /*
443 // * Which coordinate frame are the
444 // * positions defined in?
445 // */
446 // fiffCoordTrans trans; /* This is the coordinate transformation
448 // */
449 // float sfreq; /* Sampling frequency */
450 // float lowpass; /* Lowpass filter setting */
451 // float highpass; /* Highpass filter setting */
452 // fiffTimeRec start_time; /* Starting time of the acquisition
453 // * taken from the meas date
454 // * or the meas block id
455 // * whence it may be inaccurate. */
456 // int buf_size; /* Buffer size in samples */
457 // int maxshield_data; /* Are these unprocessed MaxShield data */
458 // fiffDirEntry rawDir; /* Directory of raw data tags
459 // * These may be of type
463 // * FIFF_NOP
464 // */
465 // int ndir; /* Number of tags in the above
466 // * directory */
467 //} mneRawInfoRec, *mneRawInfo;
469 typedef struct { /* Spatiotemporal map */
470  int kind; /* What kind of data */
471  int coord_frame; /* Coordinate frame for vector values */
472  int nvert; /* Number of vertex values */
473  int ntime; /* Number of time points */
474  int nval_vert; /* Number of values per vertex */
475  float tmin; /* First time point */
476  float tstep; /* Step between the time points */
477  int *vertno; /* Vertex numbers in the full triangulation (starting with zero) */
478  float **data; /* The data values (time by time) */
479 } mneMapRec, *mneMap;
481 typedef struct { /* Plotter layout port definition */
482  int portno; /* Running number of this viewport */
483  int invert; /* Invert the signal coming to this port */
484  float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; /* Limits */
485  char *names; /* Channels to go into this port (one line, separated by colons) */
486  int match; /* Does this port match with our present channel? */
489 typedef struct { /* Plotter layout */
490  char *name; /* File where this came from */
491  float xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax; /* The VDC limits */
492  float cxmin,cxmax,cymin,cymax; /* The confined VDC limits */
493  int nport; /* Number of viewports */
494  mneLayoutPort ports; /* Array of viewports */
495  int **match; /* Matching matrix */
496  int nmatch; /* How many channels in matching matrix */
499 /*
500  * The following relate to high-level handling of raw data
501  */
506 typedef struct {
507  char *name; /* Name of this selection */
508  char **chdef; /* Channel definitions (may contain regular expressions) */
509  int ndef; /* How many of them */
510  char **chspick; /* Translated into channel names using the present data */
511  char **chspick_nospace; /* The same without spaces */
512  int *pick; /* These are the corresponding channels in the raw data
513  (< 0 indicates missing) */
514  int *pick_deriv; /* These are the corresponding derivations in the raw data */
515  int nderiv; /* How many derivations in the above */
516  int *ch_kind; /* Kinds of the channels corresponding to picks (< 0 indicates missing) */
517  int nchan; /* How many picked channels? */
518  int kind; /* Loaded from file or created here? */
521 typedef struct {
522  char *name; /* Name of this set */
523  mneChSelection *sels; /* These are the selections */
524  int nsel; /* How many */
525  int current; /* Which is active now? */
528 typedef struct {
529  unsigned int from; /* Source transition value */
530  unsigned int to; /* Destination transition value */
531  int sample; /* Sample number */
532  int show; /* Can be used as desired */
533  int created_here; /* Was this event created in the program */
534  char *comment; /* Event comment */
537 typedef struct { /* List of the above. */
538  mneEvent *events;
539  int nevent;
542 typedef struct {
543  int filter_on; /* Is it on? */
544  int size; /* Length in samples (must be a power of 2) */
545  int taper_size; /* How long a taper in the beginning and end */
546  float highpass; /* Highpass in Hz */
547  float highpass_width; /* Highpass transition width in Hz */
548  float lowpass; /* Lowpass in Hz */
549  float lowpass_width; /* Lowpass transition width in Hz */
550  float eog_highpass; /* EOG highpass in Hz */
551  float eog_highpass_width; /* EOG highpass transition width in Hz */
552  float eog_lowpass; /* EOG lowpass in Hz */
553  float eog_lowpass_width; /* EOG lowpass transition width in Hz */
556 //typedef struct {
557 // fiffDirEntry ent; /* Where is this in the file (file bufs only, pointer to info) */
558 // int firsts,lasts; /* First and last sample */
559 // int ntaper; /* For filtered buffers: taper length */
560 // int ns; /* Number of samples (last - first + 1) */
561 // int nchan; /* Number of channels */
562 // int is_skip; /* Is this a skip? */
563 // float **vals; /* Values (null if not in memory) */
564 // int valid; /* Are the data meaningful? */
565 // int *ch_filtered; /* For filtered buffers: has this channel filtered already */
566 // int comp_status; /* For raw buffers: compensation status */
567 //} *mneRawBufDef,mneRawBufDefRec;
569 /*
570  * CTF compensation stuff
571  */
572 #define MNE_CTFV_NOGRAD 0
573 #define MNE_CTFV_GRAD1 1
574 #define MNE_CTFV_GRAD2 2
575 #define MNE_CTFV_GRAD3 3
576 /*
577  * 4D compensation stuff
578  */
579 #define MNE_4DV_COMP1 101
581 typedef struct {
582  int kind; /* The compensation kind (CTF) */
583  int mne_kind; /* Our kind */
584  int calibrated; /* Are the coefficients in the file calibrated already? */
585  mneNamedMatrix data; /* The compensation data */
586  mneSparseMatrix presel; /* Apply this selector prior to compensation */
587  mneSparseMatrix postsel; /* Apply this selector after compensation */
588  float *presel_data; /* These are used for the intermediate results in the calculations */
589  float *comp_data;
590  float *postsel_data;
593 typedef struct {
594  mneCTFcompData *comps; /* All available compensation data sets */
595  int ncomp; /* How many? */
596  fiffChInfo chs; /* Channel information */
597  int nch; /* How many of the above */
598  mneCTFcompData undo; /* Compensation data to undo the current compensation before applying current */
599  mneCTFcompData current; /* The current compensation data composed from the above
600  * taking into account channels presently available */
603 typedef struct { /* One item in a derivation data set */
604  char *filename; /* Source file name */
605  char *shortname; /* Short nickname for this derivation */
606  mneSparseNamedMatrix deriv_data; /* The derivation data itself */
607  int *in_use; /* How many non-zero elements on each column of the derivation data
608  * (This field is not always used) */
609  int *valid; /* Which of the derivations are valid considering the units of the input
610  * channels (This field is not always used) */
611  fiffChInfo chs; /* First matching channel info in each derivation */
614 typedef struct { /* A collection of derivations */
615  int nderiv; /* How many? */
616  mneDeriv *derivs; /* Pointers to the items */
619 typedef struct { /* A comprehensive raw data structure */
620  char *filename; /* This is our file */
621  fiffFile file;
622  mneRawInfo info; /* Loaded using the mne routines */
623  char **ch_names; /* Useful to have the channel names as a single list */
624  char **badlist; /* Bad channel names */
625  int nbad; /* How many? */
626  int *bad; /* Which channels are bad? */
627  mneRawBufDef bufs; /* These are the data */
628  int nbuf; /* How many? */
629  mneRawBufDef filt_bufs; /* These are the filtered ones */
630  int nfilt_buf;
631  int first_samp; /* First sample? */
632  int omit_samp; /* How many samples of skip omitted in the beginning */
633  int omit_samp_old; /* This is the value omit_samp would have in the old versions */
634  int nsamp; /* How many samples in total? */
635  float *first_sample_val; /* Values at the first sample (for dc offset correction before filtering) */
636  mneProjOp proj; /* Projection operator */
637  mneSssData sss; /* SSS data found in this file */
638  mneCTFcompDataSet comp; /* Compensation data */
639  int comp_file; /* Compensation status of these raw data in file */
640  int comp_now; /* Compensation status of these raw data in file */
641  mneFilterDef filter; /* Filter definition */
642  void *filter_data; /* This can be whatever the filter needs */
643  mneUserFreeFunc filter_data_free; /* Function to free the above */
644  mneEventList event_list; /* Trigger events */
645  unsigned int max_event; /* Maximum event number in usenest */
646  char *dig_trigger; /* Name of the digital trigger channel */
647  unsigned int dig_trigger_mask; /* Mask applied to digital trigger channel before considering it */
648  float *offsets; /* Dc offset corrections for display */
649  void *ring; /* The ringbuffer (structure is of no
650  * interest to us) */
651  void *filt_ring; /* Separate ring buffer for filtered data */
652  mneDerivSet deriv; /* Derivation data */
653  mneDeriv deriv_matched; /* Derivation data matched to this raw data and
654  * collected into a single item */
655  float *deriv_offsets; /* Dc offset corrections for display of the derived channels */
656  void *user; /* Whatever */
657  mneUserFreeFunc user_free; /* How this is freed */
660 typedef struct { /* Data associated with MNE computations for each mneMeasDataSet */
661  float **datap; /* Projection of the whitened data onto the field eigenvectors */
662  float **predicted; /* The predicted data */
663  float *SNR; /* Estimated power SNR as a function of time */
664  float *lambda2_est; /* Regularization parameter estimated from available data */
665  float *lambda2; /* Regularization parameter to be used (as a function of time) */
668 typedef struct { /* One data set, used in mneMeasData */
669  /*
670  * These are unique to each data set
671  */
672  char *comment; /* Comment associated with these data */
673  float **data; /* The measured data */
674  float **data_proj; /* Some programs maybe interested in keeping the data after SSP separately */
675  float **data_filt; /* Some programs maybe interested in putting a filtered version here */
676  float **data_white; /* The whitened data */
677  float *stim14; /* Data from the digital stimulus channel */
678  int first; /* First sample index for raw data processing */
679  int np; /* Number of times */
680  int nave; /* Number of averaged responses */
681  int kind; /* Which aspect of data */
682  float tmin; /* Starting time */
683  float tstep; /* Time step */
684  float *baselines; /* Baseline values currently applied to the data */
685  mneMneData mne; /* These are the data associated with MNE computations */
686  void *user_data; /* Anything else we want */
687  mneUserFreeFunc user_data_free;/* Function to set the above free */
690 typedef struct { /* Measurement data representation in MNE calculations */
691  /*
692  * These are common to all data sets
693  */
694  char *filename; /* The source file name */
695  fiffId meas_id; /* The id from the measurement file */
696  fiffTimeRec meas_date; /* The measurement date from the file */
697  fiffChInfo chs; /* The channel information */
698  fiffCoordTrans meg_head_t; /* MEG device <-> head coordinate transformation */
699  fiffCoordTrans mri_head_t; /* MRI device <-> head coordinate transformation
700  (duplicated from the inverse operator or loaded separately) */
701  float sfreq; /* Sampling frequency */
702  int nchan; /* Number of channels */
703  float highpass; /* Highpass filter setting */
704  float lowpass; /* Lowpass filter setting */
705  mneProjOp proj; /* Associated projection operator (useful if inverse operator is not included) */
706  mneCTFcompDataSet comp; /* The software gradient compensation data */
707  mneInverseOperator op; /* Associated inverse operator */
708  mneNamedMatrix fwd; /* Forward operator for dipole fitting */
709  mneRawData raw; /* This will be non-null if the data stems from a raw data file */
710  mneChSelection chsel; /* Channel selection for raw data */
711  char **badlist; /* Bad channel names */
712  int nbad; /* How many? */
713  int *bad; /* Which channels are bad? */
714  /*
715  * These are the data sets loaded
716  */
717  int ch_major; /* Rows are channels rather than times */
718  mneMeasDataSet *sets; /* All loaded data sets */
719  int nset; /* How many */
720  mneMeasDataSet current; /* Which is the current one */
723 typedef struct { /* Identifier for the automatic parcellation */
724  char *name; /* Name of this area */
725  int index; /* Index in the parcellation */
726  int flag; /* Flag read from the color table (whatever it means) */
727  float r,g,b,alpha; /* The color values */
728  int *vert; /* The vertices belonging to this one */
729  int nvert;
732 typedef struct { /* A set of the above */
733  int *vert; /* The assignment of each vertex */
734  int nvert; /* How many */
735  mneParc *parcs; /* The 'parcels' */
736  int nparc;
739 typedef struct {
740  mneParcSet lh_parc;
741  mneParcSet rh_parc;
742 } *mneParcData,mneParcDataRec; /* This is the complete parcellation data */
744 /*
745  * The following are included for reading and writing MRI data in the mgh and mgz formats
746  */
747 #define MNE_MRI_VERSION 1
748 #define MNE_MRI_UCHAR 0
749 #define MNE_MRI_INT 1
750 #define MNE_MRI_LONG 2
751 #define MNE_MRI_FLOAT 3
752 #define MNE_MRI_SHORT 4
753 #define MNE_MRI_BITMAP 5
754 #define MNE_MRI_TENSOR 6
756 #define MNE_MRI_ALL_FRAMES -1 /* Load all frames */
757 #define MNE_MRI_NO_FRAMES -2 /* Do not load data at all */
759 typedef union {
760  unsigned char uval;
761  short sval;
762  int ival;
763  float fval;
766 typedef union {
767  unsigned char ***uslices; /* Different types of voxels */
768  short ***sslices;
769  int ***islices;
770  float ***fslices;
771 } mneMRIvoxels;
773 typedef struct {
774  int type; /* Data type duplicated from mneMRIdata */
775  int width; /* Size of the stack duplicated from mneMRIdata*/
776  int height;
777  int depth;
778  void *data; /* These are the actual voxels stored sequentially */
779  int nbytes; /* How many bytes in data (just a convenience) */
780  mneMRIvoxels voxels; /* Different types of voxels */
781  int frame; /* Which frame is this in the original data */
782  void *user_data; /* Anything else we want */
783  mneUserFreeFunc user_data_free; /* Function to set the above free */
784 } *mneMRIvolume,mneMRIvolumeRec; /* One volume of data */
786 typedef struct {
787  char *filename; /* Name of the source file */
788  int version; /* Version number of the data file */
789  int width; /* Size of the stack */
790  int height;
791  int depth;
792  int nframes; /* Number of frames in the original */
793  int dof;
794  int ras_good; /* Indicates that the values below are good */
795  float xsize,ysize,zsize; /* Increments in the three voxel directions */
796  float x_ras[3],y_ras[3],z_ras[3]; /* these are the RAS distances across the whole volume */
797  float c_ras[3]; /* Center of the RAS coordinates
798  * This is irrelevant to the MNE software because we work in
799  * surface RAS coordinates */
800  fiffCoordTrans voxel_surf_RAS_t; /* Transform from voxel coordinate to the surface RAS (MRI) coordinates */
801  fiffCoordTrans surf_RAS_RAS_t; /* Transform from surface RAS to RAS (nonzero origin) coordinates */
802  fiffCoordTrans head_surf_RAS_t; /* Transform from MEG head coordinates to surface RAS */
803  fiffCoordTrans RAS_MNI_tal_t; /* Transform from RAS (nonzero origin) to MNI Talairach coordinates */
804  fiffCoordTrans MNI_tal_tal_gtz_t; /* Transform MNI Talairach to FreeSurfer Talairach coordinates (z > 0) */
805  fiffCoordTrans MNI_tal_tal_ltz_t; /* Transform MNI Talairach to FreeSurfer Talairach coordinates (z < 0) */
806  int type; /* Data type for voxels */
807  mneMRIvolume *volumes; /* The volumes loaded */
808  int nvol; /* How many loaded volumes */
809  int current_vol; /* Which volume is the current destination for modifications */
810  float TR; /* Recovery time */
811  float TE; /* Echo time time */
812  float TI; /* Inversion time */
813  float flip_angle; /* Flip angle */
814  float fov; /* Field of view */
815  void *tags; /* The format of the tag information is kept private */
816  void *user_data; /* Anything else we want */
817  mneUserFreeFunc user_data_free; /* Function to set the above free */
818 } *mneMRIdata,mneMRIdataRec; /* MRI data description suitable for handling mgh and mgz data files */
820 /*
821  * Wavelet transform structures
822  */
823 typedef struct {
824  float sfreq; /* The sampling frequency */
825  int nfreq; /* How many frequencies */
826  float **W; /* The corresponding wavelets */
827  float **W_power; /* Power spectra of the above */
828  int *np; /* Number of points in each */
829  float *freqs; /* The corresponding frequencies */
830  float **W_fft; /* Fourier transforms of the wavelets for convolution */
831  int *np_fft; /* Number of points in each the above */
832  /*
833  * Possibility to add user-defined data
834  */
835  void *user_data; /* Anything else we want */
836  mneUserFreeFunc user_data_free; /* Function to set the above free */
839 typedef struct { /* Used to store the wavelet transform */
840  int type; /* What is stored here? */
841  int nchan; /* Number of channels */
842  int nsamp; /* Number of time samples */
843  float sfreq; /* Sampling frequency */
844  float *freqs; /* Wavelet frequencies */
845  int nfreq; /* Number of frequencies */
846  float tmin; /* Time scale minimum */
847  float ***trans; /* The transforms */
851 #define MNE_WAVELET_POWER 2
853 /*
854  * Environment variables and others
855  */
856 #define MNE_DEFAULT_TRIGGER_CH "STI 014"
857 #define MNE_DEFAULT_FILTER_SIZE 4096
860 #define MNE_ENV_ROOT "MNE_ROOT"
863 #if defined(__cplusplus)
864 }
865 #endif
866 #endif
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:542
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:308
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:773
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:528
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:489
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:593
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:178
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:723
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:469
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:521
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:126
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:614
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:283
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:739
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:839
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:426
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:144
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:660
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:317
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:786
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:297
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:766
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:275
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:732
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:537
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:161
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:690
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:135
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:619
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:291
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:481
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:759
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:581
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:151
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:668
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:506
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:823
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:417
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:121
Definition: mne_types_mne-c.h:603