MNE-CPP  0.1.9
A Framework for Electrophysiology
1 #ifndef _analyze_types_h
2 #define _analyze_types_h
4 #define SURF_UNKNOWN -1
9 #define SURF_BOTH_HEMIS 103
14 #define LABEL_TASK_NONE -1
15 #define LABEL_TASK_MAX 1
16 #define LABEL_TASK_AVE 2
17 #define LABEL_TASK_L2 3
18 #define LABEL_TASK_L1 4
19 #define LABEL_TASK_TIME_L2 5
24 #define SHOW_OVERLAY_NONE 0
25 #define SHOW_OVERLAY_HEAT 1
28 #define ESTIMATE_NONE 0
29 #define ESTIMATE_MNE 1
30 #define ESTIMATE_dSPM 2
31 #define ESTIMATE_sLORETA 3
32 #define ESTIMATE_fMRI 4
33 #define ESTIMATE_NOISE 5
34 #define ESTIMATE_OTHER 6
35 #define ESTIMATE_PSF 7
37 #define FIELD_MAP_UNKNOWN 0
38 #define FIELD_MAP_MEG 8
39 #define GRAD_MAP_MEG 9
40 #define FIELD_MAP_EEG 10
41 #define OVERLAY_MAP 11
43 #define MAIN_SURFACES 0
44 #define ALT_SURFACES 1
46 #define OVERLAY_CORTEX 1
47 #define OVERLAY_SCALP 2
53 #define MNEV_REG_NOISE 1
54 #define MNEV_REG_PEARSON 2
55 #define MNEV_REG_GCV 3
57 #define NOISE_NORMALIZED(e) ((e) == ESTIMATE_dSPM || (e) == ESTIMATE_sLORETA)
59 #include <fiff/fiff_types.h>
61 #include <fwd/fwd_coil_set.h>
62 #include "../c/mne_meas_data.h"
64 #include <mne/c/mne_cov_matrix.h>
70 //=============================================================================================================
72 //=============================================================================================================
74 namespace INVERSELIB
75 {
77 typedef struct {
78  float megmin,megmax; /* MEG gradiometer vertical scale [T/m] */
79  float megaxmult; /* Multiplier for the magnetometer scaling [m] */
80  float eegmin,eegmax; /* EEG scale [V] */
81  float tmin,tmax; /* Time limits [sec] */
82  float full_range; /* Use the full time range available */
83  float basemin,basemax; /* Baseline limits [sec] */
84  int use_baseline; /* Baseline active */
85  int show_stim; /* Show the digital stimulus channel in the sample display? */
86  float cursor_step; /* How much to step in time when using the keyboard to go back and forth [sec] */
89 //typedef struct { /* The celebrated tksurfer-style values */
90 // int type; /* What is this scale setting good for? */
91 // float mult; /* Convenience multiplier from internal units to displayed numbers */
92 // float fthresh; /* Threshold */
93 // float fmid; /* This is in the middle */
94 // float fslope; /* We still use the slope internally (sigh) */
95 // float tc_mult; /* Multiply the scales by this value for timecourses */
96 // int relative; /* Are fthresh and fmid relative to the maximum value over the surface? */
97 //} *mshColorScaleDef,mshColorScaleDefRec;
99 typedef struct {
100  int meg_mapping_grade; /* Icosahedron downsampling grade for the scalp MEG map (only applies to the head surface map) */
101  int eeg_mapping_grade; /* Icosahedron downsampling grade for the scalp EEG map*/
102  float miss_meg; /* Smoothing criterion for MEG */
103  float miss_eeg; /* Smoothing criterion for EEG */
104  float intrad; /* Integration radius */
105  int meg_nsmooth; /* Smoothing for the MEG head surface maps (only applies to the head surface map) */
106  int eeg_nsmooth; /* Smoothing for the EEG head surface maps */
107  float meg_origin[3]; /* MEG sphere model origin (default to origin of MRI coordinates) */
108  int meg_origin_frame; /* Which coordinate frame? (set to FIFFV_COORD_UNKNOWN for automatic setting) */
109  float eeg_origin[3]; /* EEG sphere model origin (Default to sphere fitting the electrodes best) */
110  int eeg_origin_frame; /* Which coordinate frame? (set to FIFFV_COORD_UNKNOWN for automatic setting) */
111  int head_surface_meg_map; /* Calculate the MEG map on the head surface? */
112  float meg_contour_step; /* Primary source of steps */
113  float eeg_contour_step; /* Primary source of steps */
114  float meg_maxval; /* Maximum absolute value at the time the MEG contour step was recalculated */
115  float eeg_maxval; /* Maximum absolute value at the time the EEG contour step was recalculated */
118 typedef struct {
119  int reg_method; /* The method used to compute regularization estimates */
120  float reg_SNR; /* The virtual (power) SNR employed in regularization */
121  int estimate; /* What to calculate (MNE, dSPM, sLORETA) */
122  int do_sqrt; /* do square root? */
123  int do_signed; /* Preserve sign (current orientation) */
124  int do_normal_comp; /* Omit the components tangential to the cortex */
125  int do_alt_noise; /* Try an alternate noise normalization */
126  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale_MNE; /* MNE scale */
127  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale_dSPM; /* SPM scale */
128  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale_sLORETA; /* sLORETA scale */
129  int nstep; /* Desired number of smoothsteps */
130  float integ; /* Time integration to apply */
131  int show_scale_bar; /* Display the color scale? */
132  int show_comments; /* Show the comment text */
133  int sketch_mode; /* Use sketch mode? */
134  int thresh_estimate; /* Use this statistic to threshold */
135  float thresh; /* Threshold the data at this value */
136  float alpha; /* Opacity 0...1 */
137  int simulate; /* Simulate data on picking points from the surface */
138  /*
139  * More to come
140  */
143 typedef struct { /* Stores label information */
144  char *file_name; /* True file name */
145  char *short_name; /* Nickname */
146  char *comment; /* Comment read from the label file (first line) */
147  int hemi; /* Which hemisphere */
148  int *sel; /* Vertices */
149  int nsel; /* How many? */
150  float color[4]; /* Color for this label */
153 typedef struct {
154  mshLabel *labels;
155  int nlabel;
158 typedef struct {
159  char *short_name; /* Short name for this overlay */
160  int surf_type; /* OVERLAY_CORTEX or OVERLAY_SCALP */
161  int type; /* Type of the overlay data */
162  int is_signed; /* Are these data signed? */
163  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale; /* Scale to use */
164  int show_comments; /* Show the comment text */
165  int show_scale_bar; /* Show the scale bar */
166  int show_contours; /* Show the contour map for OVERLAY_SCALP */
167  float contour_step; /* Step between the OVERLAY_SCALP contours */
168  float alpha; /* Determines the opacity */
169  int nstep; /* Number of smoothsteps to take */
170  float time; /* Timeslice to pick from stc data (in seconds) */
171  float integ; /* Time integration */
172 // mneWdata lh_data; /* LH wdata loaded from an overlay file */
173 // mneWdata rh_data; /* RH wdata loaded from an overlay file */
174 // mneStcData lh_stc_data; /* LH stc data loaded from an overlay file */
175 // mneStcData rh_stc_data; /* RH stc data loaded from an overlay file */
176  int lh_sparse; /* Is LH data sparse */
177  int rh_sparse; /* Is RH data sparse */
178  int lh_match_surf; /* What kind of surface does the data match to */
179  int rh_match_surf; /* What kind of surface does the data match to */
180  float **hist; /* The value histogram */
181  int nbin; /* How many bins */
184 typedef struct { /* Overlay preferences. This structure can be kept private */
185  int type; /* What kind of overlay? (fMRI, other) */
186  int do_signed; /* Preserve sign (current orientation)
187  * This is never changed, just copied from the current overlay */
188  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale_MNE; /* MNE scale */
189  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale_dSPM; /* SPM scale */
190  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale_sLORETA; /* sLORETA scale */
191  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale_fMRI; /* Scale */
192  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale_other; /* Scale */
193  int nstep; /* Desired number of smoothsteps */
194  float alpha; /* opacity */
195  int show_comments; /* Show comment text */
196  int show_scale_bar; /* Show the scale bar */
197  int show_contours; /* Show the contour map */
198  float contour_step; /* Step between contours */
199  int surf_type; /* OVERLAY_SCALP or OVERLAY_CORTEX */
202 typedef struct { /* This is used for field mapping with help of the sphere-model MNE */
203  int kind; /* Either FIELD_MAP_MEG or FIELD_MAP_EEG */
204  MNELIB::MneSurfaceOld* surf; /* The surface on which we are mapping */
205  char *surfname; /* The name of the file where the above surface came from */
206  int *surface_sel; /* We may calculate the interpolation only in a subset of vertices */
207  int nsurface_sel; /* How many points in the above */
208  int nsmooth; /* How many smoothsteps to take after the extrapolation/interpolation */
209  float **smooth_weights; /* The smoothing weights */
210  int nch; /* How many channels */
211  int *pick; /* Which channels are of this modality in the original data */
212  FWDLIB::FwdCoilSet* coils; /* Coils */
213  float origin[3]; /* Origin */
214  float miss; /* Amount of unexplained variance */
215  float **self_dots; /* Dot products between the original leads */
216  float **surface_dots; /* Dot products from the original leads to the virtual leads */
217  float intrad; /* The integration radius used */
218  MNELIB::MneCovMatrix* noise; /* Noise-covariance matrix to use */
219  int nest; /* How many singular values to include? */
220  float **mapping_mat; /* The mapping matrix */
223 typedef struct { /* This is used for the calculated contours */
224  int kind; /* Either FIELD_MAP_MEG or FIELD_MAP_EEG */
225  float *map; /* The contour map values at the vertices of the surface (could go to the overlay data as well) */
226  int nmap; /* How many values */
227  int show; /* Should we really show this map */
228  float step; /* Contour step */
231 //typedef struct { /* The digitizer data will be loaded from the measurement file or elsewhere */
232 // char *filename; /* Where did these come from */
233 // FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOld* head_mri_t; /* This is relevant for us */
234 // FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOld* head_mri_t_adj; /* This is the adjusted transformation */
235 // FIFFLIB::fiffDigPoint points; /* The points */
236 // int coord_frame; /* The coordinate frame of the above points */
237 // int *active; /* Which are active */
238 // int *discard; /* Which should be discarded? */
239 // int npoint; /* How many? */
240 // FIFFLIB::fiffDigPoint mri_fids; /* MRI coordinate system fiducials picked here */
241 // int nfids; /* How many? */
242 // int show; /* Should the digitizer data be shown */
243 // int show_minimal; /* Show fiducials and coils only? */
244 // float *dist; /* Distance of each point from the head surface */
245 // int *closest; /* Closest vertex # on the head surface */
246 // float **closest_point; /* Closest vertex locations on the head surface */
247 // int dist_valid; /* Are the above data valid at this point? */
248 //} *digitizerData,digitizerDataRec;
250 typedef struct { /* These are the data from the HPI result block */
251  char *filename; /* Where did these come from */
252  FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransSet* meg_head_t; /* The MEG device <-> head coordinate system transformation */
253  FIFFLIB::FiffDigPoint *hpi_coils; /* Locations of the HPI coils in MEG device coordinates */
254  int ncoil; /* How many of them? */
255  int *dig_order; /* Which digitized HPI coil corresponds to each of the above coils */
256  int *coils_used; /* Which coils were used? */
257  int nused; /* How many were used? */
258  float *g_values; /* Goodness of fit for each of the coils */
259  float g_limit; /* Goodness-of-fit acceptance requirement */
260  float dist_limit; /* Distance acceptance requirement */
261  int fit_accept; /* Was the fit accepted */
264 typedef struct { /* One saved timecourse */
265  char *file_name; /* The associated file name */
266  char *comment; /* Descriptive comment */
267  int source; /* Does this come from the data or from an overlay */
268  int quantity; /* What is this all about */
269  int fixed_ori; /* Fixed orientations? */
270  int active; /* Is this to be shown */
271  mshLabel label; /* Label for this timecourse */
272  float **timecourses; /* Timecourses for the points in label */
273  int *sel; /* Vertex numbers in the complete triangulation for each time course */
274  float **rr; /* Locations of these points */
275  int coord_frame; /* Which coordinate frame? */
276  int nsel; /* How many? */
277  int label_task; /* What has been done with it */
278  float *timecourse_task; /* The corresponding waveform */
279  int is_signed; /* Does this timecourse contain positive and negative data */
280  int np; /* How many data points? */
281  float tmin; /* Starting time */
282  float tstep; /* Time between points */
283  float color[3]; /* Color for drawing */
286 typedef struct { /* A collection of the above */
287  timecourseData *timecourses; /* Pointers to the above structures */
288  int ncourse; /* How many */
291 typedef struct {
292  int sample; /* Which channel is the sample */
293  float picked_time; /* Current time point */
294  int have_picked; /* Have we picked a time */
295  mshScales scales;
296  mnePref mne_prefs;
297 } *dataSetData,dataSetDataRec; /* These have to be kept between data set changes */
299 typedef struct {
300  char *meas_file; /* The measurement file */
301  char *inv_file; /* Inverse operator file */
302  char *mri_trans_file; /* Where does the MRI transform come from */
303  int nave; /* If nave < 0 use nave from the measurement data? */
304  INVERSELIB::MneMeasData* meas; /* The measurement */
305  float raw_tmin,raw_tmax; /* Time range for raw data segments */
306  int sample; /* Which channel is the sample */
307  int firstp; /* First data point in the current time range selection */
308  int np; /* Number of data points in the current time range selection */
309  float tmin,tmax; /* Corresponding time values (precalculated for convenience) */
310  float picked_time; /* Current time point */
311  int have_picked; /* Have we picked a time */
312  double abs_picked_time; /* Absolute time picked from the start of the raw data
313  * (good to use double because of the possibly long time span) */
314  int *bads; /* Which channels are bad */
315  int *sels; /* Which channels have been selected for dipole fitting? */
316  char *selname; /* Name of the current channel selection (if any) */
317  MNELIB::mneLayout lout; /* This is the layout */
318  mshScales scales; /* Time and vertical scale and baseline */
320  float *custom_data; /* Custom data to use instead of data picked from the responses */
321  char *custom_desc; /* Description of the custom data */
323  mnePref mne_prefs; /* MNE calculation preferences */
324  float *cur_vals; /* Current values */
325  FIFFLIB::FiffSparseMatrix* nn_vals; /* Noise normalization values */
326  MNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef scale; /* Scale presently used for display */
328  FIFFLIB::FiffDigitizerData *dig; /* These are the Polhemus data */
330  fieldMappingData meg_mapping; /* Data for field interpolations (MEG on helmet) */
331  fieldMappingData meg_mapping_head; /* Data for field interpolations (MEG on scalp) */
332  fieldMappingData eeg_mapping; /* Data for field interpolations (EEG on scalp) */
333  fieldMappingPref mapping_pref; /* Desired settings */
335  void *dipole_fit_setup; /* Dipole fitting data (opaque for us) */
336  mneUserFreeFunc dipole_fit_setup_free;
338  void *user_data; /* Can be used to store whatever */
339  mneUserFreeFunc user_data_free; /* Called to free the above object */
342 //typedef struct { /* Definition of lighting */
343 // int state; /* On or off? */
344 // float pos[3]; /* Where is the light? */
345 // float diff[3]; /* Diffuse intensity */
346 //} *mshLight,mshLightRec; /* We are only using diffuse lights here */
348 //typedef struct { /* Light set */
349 // char *name; /* Name of this set */
350 // mshLight lights; /* Which lights */
351 // int nlight; /* How many */
352 //} *mshLightSet,mshLightSetRec;
354 //typedef struct {
355 // int vert; /* Vertex # */
356 // int sparse; /* Is this a isolated point? */
357 //} *mshPicked,mshPickedRec;
359 //typedef struct {
360 // FIFFLIB::FiffSparseMatrix* map; /* Multiply the data in the from surface with this to get to
361 // * 'this' surface from the 'from' surface */
362 // int *best; /* For each point on 'this' surface, the closest point on 'from' surface */
363 // int from_kind; /* The kind field of the other surface */
364 // char *from_subj; /* Name of the subject of the other surface */
365 //} *morphMap,morphMapRec;
367 //typedef struct { /* Display surface properties */
368 // char *filename; /* Where did this surface come from? */
369 // time_t time_loaded; /* When was the surface loaded */
370 // char *subj; /* The name of the subject in SUBJECTS_DIR */
371 // char *surf_name; /* The name of the surface */
372 // MNELIB::MneSurfaceOld* s; /* This is the surface */
373 // float eye[3]; /* Eye position for viewing */
374 // float up[3]; /* Up vector for viewing */
375 // float rot[3]; /* Rotation angles of the MRI (in radians) */
376 // float move[3]; /* Possibly move the origin, too */
378 // float fov; /* Field of view (extent of the surface) */
379 // float fov_scale; /* How much space to leave */
380 // float minv[3]; /* Minimum values along the three coordinate axes */
381 // float maxv[3]; /* Maximum values along the three coordinate axes */
382 // float *trans; /* Extra transformation for this surface */
383 // int sketch; /* Use sketch mode if decimated triangulation is available? */
385 // morphMap *maps; /* Morphing maps from other surfaces to this */
386 // int nmap; /* Normally just one */
388 // int overlay_type; /* What are the overlay values? */
389 // float *overlay_values; /* Overlay value array */
390 // int alt_overlay_type; /* A second choice for overlay */
391 // float *alt_overlay_values;
392 // float *marker_values; /* Marker values (will be shown in shades of marker color) */
394 // float *vertex_colors; /* Vertex color array */
395 // mshColorScaleDef* color_scale; /* Color scale used to define these colors */
396 // int nvertex_colors; /* How many components? */
397 // float even_vertex_color[4]; /* This is going to be employed in case of uniform coloring */
399 // float *marker_colors; /* Vertex color array (for the markers) */
400 // int nmarker_colors; /* How many components? */
401 // int **marker_tri; /* Triangles containing markers */
402 // int *marker_tri_no; /* Numbers of the marker triangles */
403 // int nmarker_tri; /* How many */
404 // float marker_color[4]; /* Marker color */
405 // int curvature_color_mode; /* How to show curvature */
407 // int overlay_color_mode; /* How to show overlay data */
408 // int transparent; /* Is this surface going to be transparent? */
410 // int show_aux_data; /* Show auxilliary data related to this surface */
412 // mshPicked* picked; /* Picked locations in world coordinates */
413 // int npicked; /* How many */
415 // void *user_data; /* Can be used to store whatever */
416 // mneUserFreeFunc* user_data_free; /* Function to free the above */
417 //} *mshDisplaySurface,mshDisplaySurfaceRec;
419 //typedef struct {
420 // FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOld* head_surf_RAS_t; /* Transform from MEG head coordinates to surface RAS */
421 // FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOld* surf_RAS_RAS_t; /* Transform from surface RAS to RAS (nonzero origin) coordinates */
422 // FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOld* RAS_MNI_tal_t; /* Transform from RAS (nonzero origin) to MNI Talairach coordinates */
423 // FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOld* MNI_tal_tal_gtz_t; /* Transform MNI Talairach to FreeSurfer Talairach coordinates (z > 0) */
424 // FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOld* MNI_tal_tal_ltz_t; /* Transform MNI Talairach to FreeSurfer Talairach coordinates (z < 0) */
425 //} *coordTransSet,coordTransSetRec;
427 //typedef struct { /* Set of display surfaces */
428 // char *subj; /* The name of the subject */
429 // char *morph_subj; /* The subject we are morphing to */
430 // FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransSet* main_t; /* Coordinate transformations for the main surfaces */
431 // FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransSet* morph_t; /* Coordinate transformations for the morph surfaces */
432 // MNELIB::MneMshDisplaySurface **surfs; /* These are the surfaces */
433 // MNELIB::MneSurfacePatch **patches; /* Optional patches for display */
434 // float *patch_rot; /* Rotation angles for the (flat) patches */
435 // int nsurf; /* How many? */
436 // int use_patches; /* Use patches for display? */
437 // int *active; /* Which surfaces are currently active */
438 // int *drawable; /* Which surfaces could be drawn? */
439 // mshLightSet lights; /* Lighting */
440 // float rot[3]; /* Rotation angles of the MRI (in radians) */
441 // float move[3]; /* Possibly move the origin, too */
442 // float fov; /* Field of view (extent of the surface) */
443 // float fov_scale; /* How much space to leave */
444 // float eye[3]; /* Eye position for viewing (used in composite views) */
445 // float up[3]; /* Up vector for viewing */
446 // float bg_color[3]; /* Background color */
447 // float text_color[3]; /* Text color */
448 // void *user_data; /* Can be used to store whatever */
449 // mneUserFreeFunc user_data_free;
450 //} *mshDisplaySurfaceSet,mshDisplaySurfaceSetRec;
452 //typedef struct { /* Where to look at the surfaces from */
453 // char *name; /* Name of this definition */
454 // float left[3]; /* Left hemisphere viewpoint */
455 // float right[3]; /* Right hemisphere viewpoint */
456 // float left_up[3]; /* The up vectors */
457 // float right_up[3]; /* The up vectors */
458 //} *mshEyes,mshEyesRec;
460 typedef void (*colorEditorDoneFunc)(float *color, void *user);
462 typedef struct {
463  float time; /* Time point */
464  int samp; /* Corresponding sample number */
465  float quater[4]; /* The unit quaternion */
466  float move[3]; /* Translation */
467  float good; /* Geometric mean of the goodness of fits */
468  FIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOld *t; /* The corresponding fiff coordinate transformation */
471 typedef struct {
472  contHpiData *hpi; /* The data records */
473  int nhpi; /* How many of them */
474  int omit_samp; /* How many samples were omitted from the beginning (first_samp + initial skip) */
475  float sfreq; /* Sampling frequency of the data file */
476  /*
477  * The following are needed in the the viewing
478  */
479  int current; /* Which point is the interesting one now? */
480  float max_coil_move; /* Average coil movement scale */
481  float max_velocity; /* Angular velocity scale */
484 } // Namespace
486 #endif
Definition: mne_types.h:521
Definition: analyze_types.h:471
FwdCoilSet class declaration.
Definition: analyze_types.h:153
Definition: analyze_types.h:299
FiffCoordTransSet class declaration.
Data associated with MNE computations for each mneMeasDataSet.
Definition: fiff_sparse_matrix.h:74
MneCovMatrix class declaration.
Definition: analyze_types.h:264
Coordinate transformation descriptor.
Definition: fiff_coord_trans_set.h:74
Definition: analyze_types.h:223
MNE Surface or Volume (MneSurfaceOrVolume) class declaration.
Definition: analyze_types.h:291
FwdCoilSet description.
Definition: fwd_coil_set.h:75
FiffDigitizerData class declaration.
Definition: analyze_types.h:99
Coordinate transformation descriptor.
Definition: fiff_coord_trans_old.h:80
Definition: analyze_types.h:202
The MneMshColorScaleDef class.
Definition: mne_msh_color_scale_def.h:72
MneSurfacePatch class declaration.
Digitization point description.
Definition: fiff_dig_point.h:68
Definition: analyze_types.h:158
Definition: analyze_types.h:143
Definition: analyze_types.h:77
Definition: analyze_types.h:462
easurement data representation in MNE calculations
Definition: mne_meas_data.h:92
MneMshColorScaleDef class declaration.
Digitization points container and description.
Definition: fiff_digitizer_data.h:73
Definition: analyze_types.h:250
Definition: analyze_types.h:118
Definitions for describing the objects in a FIFF file.
Covariance matrix storage.
Definition: mne_cov_matrix.h:96
Definition: analyze_types.h:286
This defines a surface.
Definition: mne_surface_old.h:76
FiffCoordTransOld class declaration.
Definition: analyze_types.h:184