CFIFFLIB::_fiff_data_ref | |
CFIFFLIB::_fiff_event_bits | |
CFIFFLIB::_fiff_hpi_coil | |
CFIFFLIB::_fiff_hpi_subsys | |
CFIFFLIB::_fiff_sparse_matrix | |
CFIFFLIB::_fiffChPosRec | |
CFIFFLIB::_fiffCoordTransRec | |
CFIFFLIB::_fiffDigPointRec | ToDo Old implementation |
CFIFFLIB::_fiffDigStringRec | |
CFIFFLIB::_fiffDirEntryRec | ToDo Old implementation use new fiff_dir_entry.h instead |
CFIFFLIB::_fiffExp | |
CFIFFLIB::_fiffIdRec | ToDo Old implementation use new fiff_id.h instead |
CFIFFLIB::_fiffTagRec | Outdated STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ToDo Remove |
CFIFFLIB::_fiffTimeRec | |
CUTILSLIB::aaaa | |
►CCONNECTIVITYLIB::AbstractMetric | This class provides basic functionalities for all implemented metrics |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::Coherence | This class computes the coherence connectivity metric |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::Coherency | This class computes the coherency connectivity metric |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::Correlation | This class computes the correlation metric |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::CrossCorrelation | This class computes the cross correlation connectivity metric |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::DebiasedSquaredWeightedPhaseLagIndex | This class computes the weighted phase lag index connectivity metric |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::ImagCoherence | This class computes the imaginary coherence connectivity metric |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::PhaseLagIndex | This class computes the phase lag index connectivity metric |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::PhaseLockingValue | This class computes the phase locking value connectivity metric |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::UnbiasedSquaredPhaseLagIndex | This class computes the phase lag index connectivity metric |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::WeightedPhaseLagIndex | This class computes the phase lag index connectivity metric |
CFSLIB::Annotation | Free surfer annotation |
CFSLIB::AnnotationSet | Annotation set |
CUTILSLIB::ApplicationLogger | ApplicationLogger |
CMNELIB::ArtifactRejectionData | |
CINVERSELIB::bdipEcd | |
CFWDLIB::bergSchergPar | |
CUTILSLIB::CircularBuffer< _Tp > | The TEMPLATE CIRCULAR BUFFER provides a template for thread safe circular buffers |
CINVERSELIB::CoilParam | |
CDISP3DLIB::ColorComputationInfo | |
CDISPLIB::ColorMap | Color map RGB transformations |
CFSLIB::Colortable | Vertices label based lookup table |
CFWDLIB::ComputeFwd | Compute Forward implementation |
CFWDLIB::ComputeFwdSettings | Compute Forward setting implementation |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::Connectivity | This class is a container for connectivity settings |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::ConnectivitySettings | This class is a container for connectivity settings |
CINVERSELIB::contHpiData | |
CINVERSELIB::contHpiDataSet | |
CINVERSELIB::contourMap | |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::CosineFilter | Creates a cosine filter response in the frequency domain |
CINVERSELIB::dataSetData | |
CINVERSELIB::DipFitError | |
CINVERSELIB::Dipole< T > | ToDo |
CINVERSELIB::DipoleFit | Dipole Fit implementation |
CINVERSELIB::DipoleFitData | Dipole Fit Data implementation |
CINVERSELIB::dipoleFitFuncs | |
CINVERSELIB::DipoleFitSettings | Dipole Fit setting implementation |
CINVERSELIB::DipoleForward | DipoleForward description |
CINVERSELIB::DipolePair< T > | |
CINVERSELIB::ECD | Electric Current Dipole description |
CINVERSELIB::ECDSet | Holds a set of Electric Current Dipoles |
CEVENTSLIB::EventGroup | EventGroup class is designed as a data holder for a group. It is designed towards ease of use for a client of the Events library. It's counterpart EventGroupINT is intended to be used internally by the Event library classes |
CEVENTSLIB::EVENTSINTERNAL::EventGroupINT | Class stores the concept of an event group internally in the Event library |
CEVENTSLIB::EventManager | |
CINVERSELIB::fieldMappingData | |
CINVERSELIB::fieldMappingPref | |
CFIFFLIB::Fiff | Static wrapper functions to stay consistent with mne matlab toolbox Note: avoid using the wrappers, prefer the wrapped methods! |
CFIFFLIB::FiffChInfo | Channel info descriptor |
CFIFFLIB::FiffChPos | Measurement channel position and coil type |
CFIFFLIB::FiffCoordTrans | Coordinate transformation description |
CFIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOld | Coordinate transformation descriptor |
CFIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransSet | Coordinate transformation descriptor |
CFIFFLIB::FiffCtfComp | CTF software compensation data |
CFIFFLIB::FiffDigitizerData | Digitization points container and description |
CFIFFLIB::FiffDigPoint | Digitization point description |
CFIFFLIB::FiffDigPointSet | Holds a set of digitizer points |
CFIFFLIB::FiffDirEntry | Directory entry description |
CFIFFLIB::FiffDirNode | Directory Node structure |
CFIFFLIB::FiffEvoked | Evoked data |
CFIFFLIB::FiffEvokedSet | Evoked data set |
CFIFFLIB::FiffId | Universially unique identifier |
►CFIFFLIB::FiffInfoBase | Light measurement info |
CFIFFLIB::FiffInfo | FIFF measurement file information |
CFIFFLIB::FiffProj | SSP projector data |
CFIFFLIB::FiffRawData | FIFF raw measurement data |
CFIFFLIB::FiffRawDir | Raw Directory entry |
CFIFFLIB::FiffSparseMatrix | Data associated with MNE computations for each mneMeasDataSet |
CMNELIB::filterData | |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::FilterIO | Processes txt files which hold filter coefficients |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::FilterKernel | Methods to create/design a FIR filter kernel |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::FilterOverlapAdd | Filtering with FFT convolution and the overlap add method for continous data streams |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::FilterParameter | The FilterParameter class |
CMNELIB::FilterThreadArg | Filter Thread Argument Description |
CMNELIB::fitDipUser | |
CMNELIB::fitSphereUser | |
CUTILSLIB::fitUser | |
CFWDLIB::fitUser | |
CUTILSLIB::fitUserNew | |
CFIFFLIB::frameNameRec | |
CMNELIB::frameNameRec_1 | |
CMNELIB::frameNameRec_3 | |
CFWDLIB::frameNameRec_40 | |
CFWDLIB::FwdBemModel | Holds the BEM model definition |
CFWDLIB::FwdBemSolution | Mapping from infinite medium potentials to a particular set of coils or electrodes |
CFWDLIB::FwdCoil | FwdCoil description |
CFWDLIB::FwdCoilSet | FwdCoilSet description |
CFWDLIB::FwdCompData | This structure is used in the compensated field calculations |
CFWDLIB::FwdEegSphereLayer | FwdEegSphereLayer description |
CFWDLIB::FwdEegSphereModel | Electric Current Dipole description |
CFWDLIB::FwdEegSphereModelSet | Holds a set of Electric Current Dipoles |
CFWDLIB::FwdThreadArg | Filter Thread Argument Description |
CDISP3DLIB::GeometryInfo | This class holds static methods for sensor-to-mesh mapping and surface constrained distance calculation on a mesh |
CINVERSELIB::GuessData | GuessData description |
CINVERSELIB::HpiDataUpdater | Brief description of this class |
CINVERSELIB::HPIFit | HPI Fit algorithms |
CINVERSELIB::HPIFitData | HPI Fit algorithm data structure |
CINVERSELIB::HpiFitResult | |
CINVERSELIB::HpiModelParameters | Brief description of this class |
CINVERSELIB::hpiResultData | |
►CUTILSLIB::ICommand | The ICommand interface provides the base class of every command of the command design pattern |
CCOMMUNICATIONLIB::Command | Command |
CCOMMUNICATIONLIB::RawCommand | RawCommand |
►CINVERSELIB::IInverseAlgorithm | Inverse algorithm interface |
CINVERSELIB::MinimumNorm | Minimum norm estimation |
►CINVERSELIB::RapMusic | RAP MUSIC Algorithm CPU implementation. ToDo: Paper references |
CINVERSELIB::PwlRapMusic | POWELL RAP MUSIC Algorithm CPU implementation. ToDo: Paper references |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::ConnectivitySettings::IntermediateSumData | |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::ConnectivitySettings::IntermediateTrialData | |
CDISP3DLIB::Interpolation | This class holds methods for creating distance-based weight matrices and for interpolating signals |
CDISP3DLIB::RtSourceInterpolationMatWorker::InterpolationData | |
CDISP3DLIB::RtSensorInterpolationMatWorker::InterpolationData | |
►CUTILSLIB::IObserver | The IObserver interface provides the base class of every observer of the observer design pattern |
CUTILSLIB::IOUtils | IO utilitie routines |
CUTILSLIB::KMeans | K-Means Clustering |
CFSLIB::Label | Freesurfer/MNE label |
CUTILSLIB::LayoutLoader | Processes AsA .elc files which contain the electrode positions of a EEG hat |
CUTILSLIB::LayoutMaker | Make layout files from given 3D points |
CMNELIB::MNE | Wrapper functions to stay consistent with mne matlab toolbox |
CMNELIB::MNEBem | BEM descritpion |
CMNELIB::MNEBemSurface | BEM surface provides geometry information |
CMNELIB::mneChSelection | |
CmneChSelection | |
CmneChSelectionSet | |
CMNELIB::MNEClusterInfo | Cluster information |
CmneComplex | |
CMNELIB::MneCovMatrix | Covariance matrix storage |
CMNELIB::MneCTFCompData | One MNE CTF compensation description |
CmneCTFcompData | |
CMNELIB::MneCTFCompDataSet | One MNE CTF Compensation Data Set description |
CmneCTFcompDataSet | |
CMNELIB::MneDeriv | One item in a derivation data set |
CmneDeriv | |
CMNELIB::MneDerivSet | One item in a derivation data set |
CmneDerivSet | |
CmneDoubleComplex | |
CMNELIB::MNEEpochData | Epoch data |
CMNELIB::mneEvent | |
CmneEvent | |
CMNELIB::mneEventList | |
CmneEventList | |
CmneFilterDef | |
CMNELIB::mneFilterDef | |
CMNELIB::MNEForwardSolution | Forward operator |
CMNELIB::MNEHemisphere | Hemisphere provides geometry information |
CMNELIB::MNEInverseOperator | Inverse operator |
CINVERSELIB::MneInverseOperator | An inverse operator |
CMNELIB::mneLayoutPortRec | |
CmneLayoutPortRec | |
CmneLayoutRec | |
CMNELIB::mneLayoutRec | |
CmneMapRec | |
CUTILSLIB::MNEMath | Math methods |
CmneMeasData | |
CINVERSELIB::MneMeasData | Easurement data representation in MNE calculations |
CmneMeasDataSet | |
CINVERSELIB::MneMeasDataSet | One data set, used in mneMeasData |
CMNELIB::MneMghTag | The MneMghTag class |
CMNELIB::MneMghTagGroup | The MneMghTagGroup class |
CMNELIB::MneMneData | Data associated with MNE computations for each mneMeasDataSet |
CmneMneData | |
CMNELIB::MneMorphMap | The MneMorphMap class |
CmneMRIdata | |
CmneMRIvolume | |
CmneMRIvoxels | |
CmneMRIvoxelVal | |
CMNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDef | The MneMshColorScaleDef class |
CMNELIB::MneMshDisplaySurface | The MNE Msh Display Surface class holds information about a surface to be rendered |
CMNELIB::MneMshDisplaySurfaceSet | The MNE Msh Display Surface Set class holds information about a set of surfaces to be rendered |
CMNELIB::MneMshEyes | The MneMshEyes class |
CMNELIB::MneMshLight | The MneMshLight class |
CMNELIB::MneMshLightSet | The MneMshLightSet class |
CMNELIB::MneMshPicked | The MneMshPicked class |
CMNELIB::MneNamedMatrix | Matrix specification with a channel list |
CmneNamedMatrix | |
CMNELIB::mneNamedVector | |
CmneNamedVector | |
CMNELIB::MneNearest | This is used in the patch definitions |
CmneNearest | |
CDISPLIB::MNEOperator | MNEOperator class represents the base class of an arbitrary MNEOperator, e.g. FILTER,PCA,AVERAGE. All specific Operators must be derived from MNEOperator, see the FilterOperator class |
CINVERSELIB::mneOverlay | |
CmneParc | |
CmneParcData | |
CmneParcSet | |
CmnePatchInfo | |
CMNELIB::MnePatchInfo | One item in a derivation data set |
CINVERSELIB::mnePref | |
CMNELIB::MneProjData | The MneProjData class |
CMNELIB::MNEProjectToSurface | Brief description of this class |
CmneProjItem | |
CMNELIB::MneProjItem | One linear projection item |
CMNELIB::MneProjOp | One linear projection item |
CmneProjOp | |
CMNELIB::MneRawBufDef | Information about raw data in fiff file |
CMNELIB::MneRawData | A comprehensive raw data structure |
CmneRawData | |
CMNELIB::MneRawInfo | Information about raw data in fiff file |
►CMNELIB::MNESourceEstimate | Source estimation |
CMNELIB::MNECorSourceEstimate | Correlated source estimation |
CMNELIB::MNESourceSpace | Source Space descritpion |
CMNELIB::mneSparseNamedMatrix |
CmneSparseNamedMatrix | |
CMNELIB::MneSssData | MNE SSS Data description |
CmneSssData | |
CmneStcData | |
CMNELIB::MNESurface | BEM Surface |
CmneSurfaceOrVolume | |
►CMNELIB::MneSurfaceOrVolume | This defines a source space or a surface |
CMNELIB::MneSourceSpaceOld | This defines a source space |
CMNELIB::MneSurfaceOld | This defines a surface |
CMNELIB::MneSurfacePatch | The MneSurfacePatch class |
CmneTriangle | |
CMNELIB::MneTriangle | Triangle data |
CmneVolGeom | |
CMNELIB::MneVolGeom | MRI data volume geometry information like FreeSurfer keeps it |
CmneWaveletSet | |
CmneWaveletTransform | |
CmneWdata | |
CINVERSELIB::mshLabel | |
CINVERSELIB::mshLabelSet | |
CINVERSELIB::mshMegEegData | |
CINVERSELIB::mshScales | |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::Network | This class holds information about a network, can compute a distance table and provide network metrics |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::NetworkEdge | This class holds an object to describe the edge of a network |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::NetworkNode | This class holds an object to describe the node of a network |
CINVERSELIB::overlayPref | |
►CQAbstractCameraController | |
CDISP3DLIB::OrbitalCameraController | This class allows controlling the scene camera along an orbital path |
►CQAbstractItemDelegate | |
CDISPLIB::FrequencySpectrumDelegate | Frequency delegate which creates the plot paths |
CDISPLIB::RtFiffRawViewDelegate | RTMSA delegate which creates the plot paths |
►CQAbstractTableModel | |
CDISPLIB::ChannelInfoModel | |
CDISPLIB::EvokedSetModel | Implements the data access model for evoked set data |
CDISPLIB::FrequencySpectrumModel | Implements the data access model for a real-time multi sample array data stream |
CDISPLIB::RtFiffRawViewModel | Implements the data access model for a real-time multi sample array data stream |
►CQByteArray | |
CFIFFLIB::FiffTag | FIFF data tag |
►CQChartView | |
CDISPLIB::LinePlot | Line Plot |
►CQDataStream | |
CFIFFLIB::FiffStream | FIFF File I/O routines |
►CQDockWidget | |
CDISPLIB::MultiViewWindow | Sub windows as QDockWidgets |
►CQEntity | |
►CDISP3DLIB::Renderable3DEntity | Base class for renederable 3D QEntities |
►CDISP3DLIB::Abstract3DTreeItem | Provides the basic tree item |
►CDISP3DLIB::AbstractMeshTreeItem | Provides a generic mesh tree item |
CDISP3DLIB::BemSurfaceTreeItem | BemSurfaceTreeItem provides a generic brain tree item to hold BEM surfaces |
CDISP3DLIB::FsSurfaceTreeItem | Provides a generic brain tree item |
CDISP3DLIB::SensorSurfaceTreeItem | SensorSurfaceTreeItem provides a generic brain tree item to hold sensor surfaces |
CDISP3DLIB::SourceSpaceTreeItem | Provides a generic brain tree item |
CDISP3DLIB::DigitizerTreeItem | DigitizerTreeItem provides a generic tree item to hold and visualize digitizer data |
CDISP3DLIB::EcdDataTreeItem | Provides a generic brain tree item to hold real time data |
CDISP3DLIB::GpuInterpolationItem | This item is used for signal interpolation with GPU support |
CDISP3DLIB::NetworkTreeItem | Provides a generic brain tree item to hold real time data |
CDISP3DLIB::SensorPositionTreeItem | SensorPositionTreeItem provides a tree item to visualize sensor position data |
►CQGeometryRenderer | |
CDISP3DLIB::CustomMesh | Custom mesh functionality |
CDISP3DLIB::GeometryMultiplier | Instaced based renderer |
►CQGraphicsItem | |
CDISPLIB::SelectionSceneItem | |
►CQGraphicsObject | |
CDISPLIB::AverageSceneItem | New data structure for visualizing averages in a 2D layout |
►CQGraphicsScene | |
►CDISPLIB::LayoutScene | Reimplemented QGraphicsScene for 2D layout plotting. This class handles all the user interaction features (subclass in order to use) |
CDISPLIB::AverageScene | Reimplemented QGraphicsScene for 2D layout plotting |
CDISPLIB::FilterPlotScene | Scene where a filter response can be plotted |
CDISPLIB::SelectionScene | Reimplemented QGraphicsScene for 2D layout plotting |
►CQList | |
CMNELIB::MNEEpochDataList | Epoch data list |
►CQMainWindow | |
CDISPLIB::MultiView | Inherits from QMainWindow and provides a view which supports dock widgets |
►CQMaterial | |
►CDISP3DLIB::AbstractPhongAlphaMaterial | This abstract class is used as a base class for all materials that are using the phong alpha lightining model in their shaders |
CDISP3DLIB::GeometryMultiplierMaterial | Custom phong alpha material for instanced rendering |
CDISP3DLIB::GpuInterpolationMaterial | Compute shader interpolation material |
CDISP3DLIB::NetworkMaterial | NetworkMaterial is provides a Qt3D material with own shader support |
CDISP3DLIB::PerVertexPhongAlphaMaterial | PerVertexPhongAlphaMaterial is provides a Qt3D material with own shader support |
CDISP3DLIB::PerVertexTessPhongAlphaMaterial | PerVertexTessPhongAlphaMaterial is provides a Qt3D material with own shader support |
CDISP3DLIB::ShowNormalsMaterial | ShowNormalsMaterial is provides a Qt3D material with own shader support |
►CQObject | |
CCOMMUNICATIONLIB::Command | Command |
CCOMMUNICATIONLIB::RawCommand | RawCommand |
►CDISP3DLIB::AbstractTreeItem | Provides the basic tree item |
CDISP3DLIB::BemTreeItem | BemTreeItem provides a tree item to hold BEM models |
CDISP3DLIB::DigitizerSetTreeItem | DigitizerSetTreeItem provides a tree item to hold the set of digitizer data |
CDISP3DLIB::FsAnnotationTreeItem | Provides a generic brain tree item |
CDISP3DLIB::HemisphereTreeItem | Provides a generic brain tree item |
CDISP3DLIB::MeasurementTreeItem | Provides a generic MeasurementTreeItem |
CDISP3DLIB::MetaTreeItem | Provides a generic brain tree item |
CDISP3DLIB::MneDataTreeItem | Provides a generic brain tree item to hold real time data |
CDISP3DLIB::MriTreeItem | Provides a generic MriTreeItem |
CDISP3DLIB::SensorDataTreeItem | This item integrates GeometryInfo and Interpolation into Disp3D structure |
CDISP3DLIB::SensorSetTreeItem | Provides a generic SensorSetTreeItem |
CDISP3DLIB::SubjectTreeItem | Provides a generic SubjectTreeItem |
CDISP3DLIB::RtSensorDataController | This controller organizes data streaming and interpolation matrix calculations. It only uses Queued signals in order to be thread safe with the underlying workers |
CDISP3DLIB::RtSensorDataWorker | This worker streams either interpolated or raw data |
CDISP3DLIB::RtSensorInterpolationMatWorker | This worker calculates the interpolation matrix |
CDISP3DLIB::RtSourceDataController | This controller organizes data streaming and interpolation matrix calculations. It only uses Queued signals in order to be thread safe with the underlying workers |
CDISP3DLIB::RtSourceDataWorker | This worker streams either interpolated or raw data |
CDISP3DLIB::RtSourceInterpolationMatWorker | This worker calculates the interpolation matrix |
CFIFFLIB::FiffFileSharer | |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::ParksMcClellan | ParksMcClellan filter desing algorithm |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtAveraging | Real-time averaging |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtAveragingWorker | Real-time averaging worker |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtConnectivity | Real-time connectivity estimation |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtConnectivityWorker | Real-time connectivity worker |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtCov | Real-time covariance worker |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtHpi | Real-time Head Coil Positions estimation |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtHpiWorker | Real-time HPI worker |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtInvOp | Real-time inverse operator estimation |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtInvOpWorker | Real-time inverse operator worker |
►CQOpenGLWidget | |
CDISPLIB::ButterflyView | Butterfly view |
►CQSharedData | |
CFIFFLIB::FiffCov | Covariance data |
CFIFFLIB::FiffNamedMatrix | A named matrix |
►CQStandardItem | |
CDISP3DLIB::Abstract3DTreeItem | Provides the basic tree item |
CDISP3DLIB::AbstractTreeItem | Provides the basic tree item |
►CQStandardItemModel | |
CDISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeModel | Data3DTreeModel provides a tree based data model to hold all information about data which was added to the View 3D |
CDISPLIB::BidsViewModel | Base data container |
►CQStyledItemDelegate | |
CDISP3DLIB::Data3DTreeDelegate | Provides a delegate to render user specific input methods in the tree model |
►CQt3DWindow | |
CDISP3DLIB::View3D | Visualizes 3D data |
►CQTcpSocket | |
CCOMMUNICATIONLIB::RtCmdClient | Real-time command client |
CCOMMUNICATIONLIB::RtDataClient | Real-time data client |
►CQThread | |
CCOMMUNICATIONLIB::RtClient | Real-time client |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtNoise | Real-time Noise estimation |
►CQViewport | |
CDISP3DLIB::CustomFrameGraph | Custom framegaph class |
►CQWidget | |
►CDISP3DLIB::AbstractView | Adapter which provides the abstract class for all adapter views |
CDISP3DLIB::ECDView | Visualizes ECD data |
CDISP3DLIB::NetworkView | Visualizes ECD data |
CDISP3DLIB::SourceEstimateView | Visualizes ECD data |
►CDISPLIB::AbstractView | Base calss for all Disp viewers |
CDISPLIB::ApplyToView | |
CDISPLIB::ArtifactSettingsView | Artifact rejection settings view |
CDISPLIB::AverageLayoutView | Widget for a 2D average layout |
CDISPLIB::AverageSelectionView | View to activate and choose colors for different averages |
CDISPLIB::AveragingSettingsView | Averaging settings view |
CDISPLIB::BidsView | The DataManagerView class provides the plugin control |
CDISPLIB::ChannelSelectionView | Channel selection window |
CDISPLIB::CompensatorView | View to select the compensators |
CDISPLIB::ConnectivitySettingsView | View to control settings for estiamting functional connectivity |
CDISPLIB::Control3DView | User GUI control for the View3D |
CDISPLIB::CoregSettingsView | |
CDISPLIB::CovarianceSettingsView | User GUI control for Covariance estimation |
CDISPLIB::DipoleFitView | |
CDISPLIB::FiffRawViewSettings | View to select different channel data view dependent settings |
CDISPLIB::FilterDesignView | A manager for temporal filtering |
CDISPLIB::FilterSettingsView | View to select between different modalities |
CDISPLIB::FwdSettingsView | QWidget for the real-time Forward Solution controls |
CDISPLIB::HpiSettingsView | QWidget for the HPI controls |
CDISPLIB::MinimumNormSettingsView | View to control settings for estiamting functional connectivity |
CDISPLIB::ModalitySelectionView | View to select between different modalities |
CDISPLIB::ProgressView | |
CDISPLIB::ProjectorsView | View to select projectors |
CDISPLIB::ProjectSettingsView | Viewer to setup and manage the file name before the acquisition starts |
CDISPLIB::RtFiffRawView | Real-time channel view display |
CDISPLIB::ScalingView | View to select the scaling for different channels modalities |
CDISPLIB::SpectrumSettingsView | Settings for the spectrum estimation |
CDISPLIB::SpectrumView | Spectrum view |
CDISPLIB::SpharaSettingsView | View to select the SPHARA settings |
CDISPLIB::TfSettingsView | View to control settings for time frequency analysis |
CDISPLIB::TriggerDetectionView | View to control the trigger detection |
CDISPLIB::Bar | Bar class for histogram display using QtCharts |
►CDISPLIB::DraggableFramelessWidget | Draggable and frameless QWidget |
CDISPLIB::QuickControlView | Quick control view for scaling, filtering, projector and other control options |
►CDISPLIB::Graph | Base class for graphs |
CDISPLIB::ImageSc | Eigen matrix visualization |
CDISPLIB::Plot | Vector plot |
CDISPLIB::ScaleControl | Packs together a QLabel, a DoubleSpinbox and a Slider with the necessary facilities for the interaction between them |
CDISPLIB::Spline | Spline class for histogram display using Qtcharts/QSpline |
CDISPLIB::TFplot | Vector plot |
CMNELIB::RegionData | |
CMNELIB::RegionDataOut | |
CMNELIB::RegionMT | |
CMNELIB::RegionMTOut | |
CEVENTSLIB::RgbColor | |
CMNELIB::ringBuf | |
CMNELIB::ringBuf_36 | |
CINVERSELIB::ringBuf_9 | |
CMNELIB::ringBufBuf | |
CMNELIB::ringBufBuf_36 | |
CINVERSELIB::ringBufBuf_9 | |
CRTPROCESSINGLIB::RtCovComputeResult | |
CUTILSLIB::SelectionIO | Processes selection files (mne .sel) files which contain the chanels for each selection group |
CDISPLIB::SelectionItem | The SelectionSceneItem class provides a new data structure for visualizing channels in a 2D layout |
CINVERSELIB::SensorSet | |
CINVERSELIB::SensorSetCreator | Brief description of this class |
CINVERSELIB::SignalModel | Brief description of this class |
CUTILSLIB::SimplexAlgorithm | Simplex algorithm |
CUTILSLIB::SpectogramInputData | |
CUTILSLIB::Spectral | Computes spectral measures of input data |
CUTILSLIB::Spectrogram | |
CUTILSLIB::Sphere | Describes a 3D sphere object |
►CUTILSLIB::Subject | Base class of every subject of the observer design pattern |
CFSLIB::Surface | FreeSurfer surface mesh |
CFSLIB::SurfaceSet | A hemisphere set of surfaces |
CUTILSLIB::TaperedSpectraInputData | |
CINVERSELIB::timecourseData | |
CINVERSELIB::timecourseDataSet | |
CDISP3DLIB::VisualizationInfo | |
CCONNECTIVITYLIB::VisualizationInfo | |
CDISP3DLIB::RtSensorDataWorker::VisualizationInfo | |
CUTILSLIB::Warp | Thin Plate Spline Warp |