MNE-CPP  0.1.9
A Framework for Electrophysiology
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CFIFFLIB::_fiffDigPointRecToDo Old implementation
 CFIFFLIB::_fiffDirEntryRecToDo Old implementation use new fiff_dir_entry.h instead
 CFIFFLIB::_fiffIdRecToDo Old implementation use new fiff_id.h instead
 CFIFFLIB::_fiffTagRecOutdated STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ToDo Remove
 CCONNECTIVITYLIB::AbstractMetricThis class provides basic functionalities for all implemented metrics
 CFSLIB::AnnotationFree surfer annotation
 CFSLIB::AnnotationSetAnnotation set
 CUTILSLIB::CircularBuffer< _Tp >The TEMPLATE CIRCULAR BUFFER provides a template for thread safe circular buffers
 CDISPLIB::ColorMapColor map RGB transformations
 CFSLIB::ColortableVertices label based lookup table
 CFWDLIB::ComputeFwdCompute Forward implementation
 CFWDLIB::ComputeFwdSettingsCompute Forward setting implementation
 CCONNECTIVITYLIB::ConnectivityThis class is a container for connectivity settings
 CCONNECTIVITYLIB::ConnectivitySettingsThis class is a container for connectivity settings
 CRTPROCESSINGLIB::CosineFilterCreates a cosine filter response in the frequency domain
 CINVERSELIB::DipoleFitDipole Fit implementation
 CINVERSELIB::DipoleFitDataDipole Fit Data implementation
 CINVERSELIB::DipoleFitSettingsDipole Fit setting implementation
 CINVERSELIB::DipoleForwardDipoleForward description
 CINVERSELIB::DipolePair< T >
 CINVERSELIB::ECDElectric Current Dipole description
 CINVERSELIB::ECDSetHolds a set of Electric Current Dipoles
 CEVENTSLIB::EventGroupEventGroup class is designed as a data holder for a group. It is designed towards ease of use for a client of the Events library. It's counterpart EventGroupINT is intended to be used internally by the Event library classes
 CEVENTSLIB::EVENTSINTERNAL::EventGroupINTClass stores the concept of an event group internally in the Event library
 CFIFFLIB::FiffStatic wrapper functions to stay consistent with mne matlab toolbox Note: avoid using the wrappers, prefer the wrapped methods!
 CFIFFLIB::FiffChInfoChannel info descriptor
 CFIFFLIB::FiffChPosMeasurement channel position and coil type
 CFIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransCoordinate transformation description
 CFIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransOldCoordinate transformation descriptor
 CFIFFLIB::FiffCoordTransSetCoordinate transformation descriptor
 CFIFFLIB::FiffCtfCompCTF software compensation data
 CFIFFLIB::FiffDigitizerDataDigitization points container and description
 CFIFFLIB::FiffDigPointDigitization point description
 CFIFFLIB::FiffDigPointSetHolds a set of digitizer points
 CFIFFLIB::FiffDirEntryDirectory entry description
 CFIFFLIB::FiffDirNodeDirectory Node structure
 CFIFFLIB::FiffEvokedEvoked data
 CFIFFLIB::FiffEvokedSetEvoked data set
 CFIFFLIB::FiffIdUniversially unique identifier
 CFIFFLIB::FiffInfoBaseLight measurement info
 CFIFFLIB::FiffProjSSP projector data
 CFIFFLIB::FiffRawDataFIFF raw measurement data
 CFIFFLIB::FiffRawDirRaw Directory entry
 CFIFFLIB::FiffSparseMatrixData associated with MNE computations for each mneMeasDataSet
 CRTPROCESSINGLIB::FilterIOProcesses txt files which hold filter coefficients
 CRTPROCESSINGLIB::FilterKernelMethods to create/design a FIR filter kernel
 CRTPROCESSINGLIB::FilterOverlapAddFiltering with FFT convolution and the overlap add method for continous data streams
 CRTPROCESSINGLIB::FilterParameterThe FilterParameter class
 CMNELIB::FilterThreadArgFilter Thread Argument Description
 CFWDLIB::FwdBemModelHolds the BEM model definition
 CFWDLIB::FwdBemSolutionMapping from infinite medium potentials to a particular set of coils or electrodes
 CFWDLIB::FwdCoilFwdCoil description
 CFWDLIB::FwdCoilSetFwdCoilSet description
 CFWDLIB::FwdCompDataThis structure is used in the compensated field calculations
 CFWDLIB::FwdEegSphereLayerFwdEegSphereLayer description
 CFWDLIB::FwdEegSphereModelElectric Current Dipole description
 CFWDLIB::FwdEegSphereModelSetHolds a set of Electric Current Dipoles
 CFWDLIB::FwdThreadArgFilter Thread Argument Description
 CDISP3DLIB::GeometryInfoThis class holds static methods for sensor-to-mesh mapping and surface constrained distance calculation on a mesh
 CINVERSELIB::GuessDataGuessData description
 CINVERSELIB::HpiDataUpdaterBrief description of this class
 CINVERSELIB::HPIFitHPI Fit algorithms
 CINVERSELIB::HPIFitDataHPI Fit algorithm data structure
 CINVERSELIB::HpiModelParametersBrief description of this class
 CUTILSLIB::ICommandThe ICommand interface provides the base class of every command of the command design pattern
 CINVERSELIB::IInverseAlgorithmInverse algorithm interface
 CDISP3DLIB::InterpolationThis class holds methods for creating distance-based weight matrices and for interpolating signals
 CUTILSLIB::IObserverThe IObserver interface provides the base class of every observer of the observer design pattern
 CUTILSLIB::IOUtilsIO utilitie routines
 CUTILSLIB::KMeansK-Means Clustering
 CFSLIB::LabelFreesurfer/MNE label
 CUTILSLIB::LayoutLoaderProcesses AsA .elc files which contain the electrode positions of a EEG hat
 CUTILSLIB::LayoutMakerMake layout files from given 3D points
 CMNELIB::MNEWrapper functions to stay consistent with mne matlab toolbox
 CMNELIB::MNEBemBEM descritpion
 CMNELIB::MNEBemSurfaceBEM surface provides geometry information
 CMNELIB::MNEClusterInfoCluster information
 CMNELIB::MneCovMatrixCovariance matrix storage
 CMNELIB::MneCTFCompDataOne MNE CTF compensation description
 CMNELIB::MneCTFCompDataSetOne MNE CTF Compensation Data Set description
 CMNELIB::MneDerivOne item in a derivation data set
 CMNELIB::MneDerivSetOne item in a derivation data set
 CMNELIB::MNEEpochDataEpoch data
 CMNELIB::MNEForwardSolutionForward operator
 CMNELIB::MNEHemisphereHemisphere provides geometry information
 CMNELIB::MNEInverseOperatorInverse operator
 CINVERSELIB::MneInverseOperatorAn inverse operator
 CUTILSLIB::MNEMathMath methods
 CINVERSELIB::MneMeasDataEasurement data representation in MNE calculations
 CINVERSELIB::MneMeasDataSetOne data set, used in mneMeasData
 CMNELIB::MneMghTagThe MneMghTag class
 CMNELIB::MneMghTagGroupThe MneMghTagGroup class
 CMNELIB::MneMneDataData associated with MNE computations for each mneMeasDataSet
 CMNELIB::MneMorphMapThe MneMorphMap class
 CMNELIB::MneMshColorScaleDefThe MneMshColorScaleDef class
 CMNELIB::MneMshDisplaySurfaceThe MNE Msh Display Surface class holds information about a surface to be rendered
 CMNELIB::MneMshDisplaySurfaceSetThe MNE Msh Display Surface Set class holds information about a set of surfaces to be rendered
 CMNELIB::MneMshEyesThe MneMshEyes class
 CMNELIB::MneMshLightThe MneMshLight class
 CMNELIB::MneMshLightSetThe MneMshLightSet class
 CMNELIB::MneMshPickedThe MneMshPicked class
 CMNELIB::MneNamedMatrixMatrix specification with a channel list
 CMNELIB::MneNearestThis is used in the patch definitions
 CDISPLIB::MNEOperatorMNEOperator class represents the base class of an arbitrary MNEOperator, e.g. FILTER,PCA,AVERAGE. All specific Operators must be derived from MNEOperator, see the FilterOperator class
 CMNELIB::MnePatchInfoOne item in a derivation data set
 CMNELIB::MneProjDataThe MneProjData class
 CMNELIB::MNEProjectToSurfaceBrief description of this class
 CMNELIB::MneProjItemOne linear projection item
 CMNELIB::MneProjOpOne linear projection item
 CMNELIB::MneRawBufDefInformation about raw data in fiff file
 CMNELIB::MneRawDataA comprehensive raw data structure
 CMNELIB::MneRawInfoInformation about raw data in fiff file
 CMNELIB::MNESourceEstimateSource estimation
 CMNELIB::MNESourceSpaceSource Space descritpion
 CMNELIB::MneSssDataMNE SSS Data description
 CMNELIB::MNESurfaceBEM Surface
 CMNELIB::MneSurfaceOrVolumeThis defines a source space or a surface
 CMNELIB::MneSurfacePatchThe MneSurfacePatch class
 CMNELIB::MneTriangleTriangle data
 CMNELIB::MneVolGeomMRI data volume geometry information like FreeSurfer keeps it
 CCONNECTIVITYLIB::NetworkThis class holds information about a network, can compute a distance table and provide network metrics
 CCONNECTIVITYLIB::NetworkEdgeThis class holds an object to describe the edge of a network
 CCONNECTIVITYLIB::NetworkNodeThis class holds an object to describe the node of a network
 CUTILSLIB::SelectionIOProcesses selection files (mne .sel) files which contain the chanels for each selection group
 CDISPLIB::SelectionItemThe SelectionSceneItem class provides a new data structure for visualizing channels in a 2D layout
 CINVERSELIB::SensorSetCreatorBrief description of this class
 CINVERSELIB::SignalModelBrief description of this class
 CUTILSLIB::SimplexAlgorithmSimplex algorithm
 CUTILSLIB::SpectralComputes spectral measures of input data
 CUTILSLIB::SphereDescribes a 3D sphere object
 CUTILSLIB::SubjectBase class of every subject of the observer design pattern
 CFSLIB::SurfaceFreeSurfer surface mesh
 CFSLIB::SurfaceSetA hemisphere set of surfaces
 CUTILSLIB::WarpThin Plate Spline Warp